Chapter 4- Jessica

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Trigger warnings- Student-Teacher relationship mention and Teacher bullying mention.

"The police now believe Mr Grey's death to be murder" Mr Rogers says. Oh my god. I can't believe that someone would actually kill him. How could anyone do this? I've already heard the rumours flying around the school that it was Laura and James Jackson who discovered his body. That's not suspicious at all considering that there's another rumour that James didn't go to his detention.

If he didn't go to his detention and he and his twin sister were the ones to discover his body, surely that's enough evidence to make them seem guilty. Apparently not if you're Mr Rogers.

"The police are going to be returning to the school multiple times over the next few weeks as they work out exactly what happened," Mr Rogers explains "while they are here I would like you all to treat them with respect. If they need to question any of you, myself or Mrs Greenwood will be present at the interview. Is that understood?"

A quiet murmur of "yes sir" echoes through the hall. Normally Mr Rogers would want us to be a bit louder than that but right now I don't think he cares.

Assembly on Tuesday was an interesting experience to say the least. I couldn't believe that neither my mother nor Mr Rogers was suspicious of Laura and James Jackson. How much more evidence did they need?

I suppose James killed Mr Grey as he found out about our relationship. Not sure how though. Mr Grey and I had been seeing each other in secret for a few months last year. I didn't know what to think when Mr Grey told me he felt the same way as I did. I decided to try the whole dating a teacher thing out for a while. Fortunately it paid off. Well until James and Laura turned up at Oakwood. I told James during the first week that I wanted to take a break in our relationship. I needed time to think about who I was more interested in continuing with.

Unfortunately James dumped me before I made the choice. He said he knew I was cheating on him. I've no idea how he found out but that was the end of our relationship. I told my mother what had happened and she called James a whole bunch of horrible names and accused him of lying saying I would never cheat on anyone. I didn't want to tell her that he wasn't lying as I was scared she wouldn't approve of my relationship with Mr Grey. I told her that he was lying and she told me that she had heard him conjuring up the lie with Laura. I knew that wasn't true but I had to pretend that I believed my mother. So ever since both my mother and I have been horrible to James. I know it's wrong. But especially with Mr Grey now being murdered I'm in too deep to back out now.

I head off to English with Mrs Gaskell. She's so old she can barely hear what anyone's saying to her, even if they're five inches from her face. We're currently reading Animal Farm by George Orwell. Considering George Orwell has been dead for like seventy years I hate to think how many times Mrs Gaskell has read Animal Farm.

In her classroom Mrs Gaskell has a large vase with slips of paper in it. Each one has the name of a student in the class written on it. She chooses a name out so that she can ask questions and make sure everyone's paying attention. Mrs Gaskell usually has to squint through her glasses at the paper for a long time before she finally works out who's name is written on it. She chooses one out and reads out the name before asking that person to continue to read for a few pages. Most of the class seem to be hating the book but I quite like it. It's got a lot of hidden imagery.

"Jessica Greenwood," Mrs Gaskell says, catching my attention "can you continue from the top of page eighty four please."

I smile sweetly "yes Mrs Gaskell" I reply loudly so she can hear me. I clear my throat and I begin to read.

After three pages she stops me and chooses another slip of paper.

"James Jackson," she shouts "from the top of page eighty eight please." There's no reply. Mrs Gaskell looks around the room. "Where is Mr Jackson?" She asks.

A boy named Arthur on the other side of the room points at the desk beside him, the one nearest the window. James has his head resting in his arms. He is fast asleep. Mrs Gaskell sighs. She walks calmly over to James' desk and picks up his copy of Animal Farm, she raises it high above her head before letting go. It drops and makes a loud smack as it hits the desk. James wakes up suddenly.

"I hope I am not keeping you awake Mr Jackson" Mrs Gaskell says sarcastically. For someone as old as she is she has a great sense of humour.

"No miss" James says.

"Good," Mrs Gaskell replies "I would like you to continue reading from the top of page eighty eight please."

James yawns and sleepily opens the book to the right page. Mrs Gaskell walks back to her desk.

"Oh and I would like you to write a summary of the section of the book we have read today Mr Jackson," Mrs Gaskell says "from page seventy eight to page ninety two. You can write the summary during your detention this evening."

James snaps his head up sharply. All traces of sleepiness have vanished. Several members of the class are sniggering. "Detention?" James questions.

"Yes," Mrs Gaskell replies "the detention I have just given you for sleeping during class. Now please read the next page of the book aloud."

James sighs and I suppose I can't blame him. Getting detention from two different teachers two days in a row is not an easy feat. Well unless your name is Ryan Jamison.

But James' sleeping in class and tiredness does make me wonder why he is so tired. What was he up to last night or yesterday? Murdering Mr Grey? I don't trust James one little bit. But I do know one thing for certain. I am going to make sure that whoever did murder Mr Grey doesn't get away with it. I close my eyes and think about what I would say to Mr Grey if I could speak to him right now.

"Don't worry Mr Grey," I would say "I will find out who did this to you. I will make them pay. They won't get away with it. I promise."

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