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"i am so sorry..."

"it's... not your fault. It's ok, i know it is."

crying and trying your best to aid the boy, who coughing up petals, bleeding and quivering was your best friend. his long braided black hair came undone, his bronze skin so bright, now a dull, sickly orangeish-yellow.

"you HAVE to let me call a nurse o-or someone, please! let me save you, ryuga!"

"j-just stay with me, please. we both know they won't make it in time anyways."

you knew he was right. the school hallway was no longer filled with people, the noise loud with chatter. instead the lights flickered to nobody, it seemed as it was abandoned years ago.

you barely even heard the end of his sentence anyway, before letting out another gross, snot-filled sniffle. your e/c eyes turned into gems, tears flooding out onto your cheeks. you didn't know how your glove got ripped.

you don't know how you didn't notice.

murmuring out apologies while bringing your head down on his stomach, you let a tear fall on his sweater. the bleeding male let out another choked cough. you refused to see the blossom that was embedded deep into the side of ryuga's neck.

this quirk was a curse. nothing but a curse. once touched, it cannot be stopped, growing and growing, sucking up any source of energy or protein dry until it's host is no more.

wearing these gloves and socks meant PROTECTION.

so why was this happening? why to him out of all people?? 

the hand he laid on your h/c hair turned stiff and cold. his breathing was shallow, lips covered with spit and blood. despite this, he smiled warmly.

"y/n..  look at me."

trembling so heavily, your hair swayed from side to side, you tearfully looked at him. his bloodstained lips got wider as he grinned one last time, cheeks smushing against his closed eyes.

"don't blame yourself. i love you man."

you fought the urge to not burst out sobbing right then and there. his smile slowly faded, his eyes glazed over. letting your own gloved hand hold his, you could only mutter.

"i love you too."

gasping before sitting up on your now completely deflated air mattress, you mindlessly put your hand on the same place where the bloom was on ryuga's.

this was the fifth time this month. you were so tired of reliving that day. you already felt guilty enough not visiting his grave in a few weeks, you didn't need the extra reminder.

despite his last words, you and pretty much everyone else blamed you for his death. isolated from everyone, even the teachers and principals, so it was both predictable and inevitable when you finally dropped out.

a lonely seed (bnha x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now