Chapter 8

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The next day, a family has decided to go on the beach. It was hot and it couldn't have been the perfect time to go. As they are walking, a mother spots Ben's body. She screams in horror.

A few minutes later, Sheriff Stilinski, Parrish, and Mason show up at the crime scene. They walk over to Ben's body.

"Damn." Mason says.

Argent Apartment.

Allison opens the door to see her friends.

"What's going on?" She asks.

"We're sorry to tell you this Allison... But Ben is dead. He died on the beach yesterday, with a broken neck." Parrish tells her.

"We're sorry for your lost." Mason hugs her as Parrish, and Stilinski does the same.

Allison has a 'getting ready to murder' look on her face. She breaks away the hug wanting an answer. "Which beach was he found at?"

"The only beach near Beacon Hills." Parrish says.


Allison starts walking to where the family found Ben's body.

In the water, Neymar sees a person on land. He think it's Eli, so he flies out the water going after Allison.

Allison hears him so she gets out her knife and she gets ready to fight.

Neymar notices that Allison isn't Eli, so he tries to stop but as he gets closer to Allison, Allison uses her knife to make a scratch on Neymar's face leaving him to fall somewhere else.

"Who are you?" She asks.

Neymar now mad that Allison scratched him. He gets his sword out and he starts going after Allison.

Allison uses her bow and arrow to aim at Neymar. She lets her arrow fly and lets it hit Neymar in the face. "I'm going to ask you again. Who are you?"

Neymar takes the arrow out of his shoulder. He run towards Allison pushing her to the tree Eli hit when they were fighting. Allison pushes Neymar away from her and she uses her knife to try and stab him in the face. Neymar drops his sword while using his hands to stop Allison from killing him. She is stronger than him, but he gets the strength to throw her to the left. He then starts running to the water.

Allison immediately stands back up on her feet. She gets her crossbow out and she lets her arrow fly to hitting Neymar on the side of his throat. He falls down on the sand dragging hisself close to the water. Allison walk towards him getting her bow and arrow ready again. She steps on his back with her shoe and she asks the question again. "Who are you?"

Neymar makes a sound and his family members all appear from the water flying and swimming to land. Allison sees and she starts running away knowing she won't be able to fight them all by herself.

New Orleans.

Eli walks in Vincent's shop. Vincent looks at him annoyed.

"What do you want?"

"I need to find my Dad, and I have no clue where he is." Eli tells him. "Plus I need to pay off my debt to you."

Vincent rolls his eyes. "You leaving and never bothering me again can be your debt being paid."


Vincent starts saying a spell. He gets a vision on where Derek is. "He's in Charleston."

Eli looks confused. "Charleston? What's there?"

"I don't know, now why don't you go find out and leave me be."

Eli huffs. "Fine. Oh and one more thing."

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