Chapter 5

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Mason and Corey's House.

Wyatt sits down the yearbooks of Beacon Hills High School on the table.

"Now Melissa, you have to be honest with us." Mariana says.

"This is the story of five friends. Scott, Allison, Lydia, Stiles, and Isaac. They didn't all make it out of the Hospital. Whoever deals with the supernatural world, never comes out unharmed." said Melissa. She starts pointing at their pictures in the yearbook. "It was horrifying hearing Stiles's screams. We didn't know what to do. It took the firemen two hours to come, and they stay up the street."

Wyatt starts flipping through the pages of all the yearbooks. "Wait."

"What's wrong?" Mariana asks.

"Everyone who died has a dedication page. Why doesn't Stiles?" Wyatt asks.

"Because we all wanted Stiles to be remembered as something more than a person just on a page who died." Melissa responds.

Hale Loft.

"Are you sure you want to leave? You known these people for years Derek." Hayley says.

"I HAVE NOTHING LEFT." Derek cries. "My boyfriend is gone, my son is gone." He chokes.

"What about Malia? Jed? Cora?"

"Malia hasn't talked to me in a long time. Jed and I never talk, and Cora isn't even here."

Hayley sighs. "Derek just think about this. Think about what you are about to do."

"I already decided, and I'm not changing my mind."

"Well you should. I just got back here and you're leaving me."

"What if you can come with me?" Derek suggests.

Back at the beach, Neymar has arrived on the sand. He is walking towards Eli with a smolder on his face.

"I heard you was looking for me."

"Yeah I was." Eli is staring Neymar up and down. "I didn't expect you to be so hot."

Neymar laughs. "I do get that a lot."

"I want to make you a proposal, you help me cause mischief and I can do something for you in return." Eli says.

"Like what?"

"What do you need me to do?"

"My people are in danger after some fishermen went fishing... Do you know how to fix them?" Neymar asks.

Eli smiles. "Actually I do."

Neymar holds his hand out for Eli to take. Eli takes his hand and they run into the ocean.

As they dive in the water, Ben has been watching everything from afar. He gets back in his car too tell Mariana the news.

Malia and Kira's House.

Hayley has knocked on the door. Malia opens it confused.

"Who are you?"

"Hi, I'm Hayley. Derek's friend, is it okay if I can come in, I need to talk to you about something."

Malia looks at her suspicious. "Sure."

Mason and Corey's House.

Melissa's phone goes off and she looks at it. "This is some news."

"What's wrong?" Mariana asks.

"Allison sent a text saying that Ben has found Eli."

Mariana smiles. "I knew he could do it."

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