Chapter 4

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"What if my Dad isn't who he say he is." Mariana says.

"What do you mean?" Ben asks.

"I known him for a few years and with me trying to understand the fire, something doesn't feel right."

"Then do some investigation, but do it for a good reason."

"You're right. And try to ask Davina or Emma for help to find Eli." Mariana leaves.

Back at New Orleans, Vincent has just finished the spell Eli has asked for. But Eli wants more.

"I need something."

"What is it now?" Vincent asks.

"I heard about this guy named Neymar. Is he real?"

"He may have been in 'Black Panther: Wakanda Forever' but he is real. You can find him at the beach not far from Beacon Hills."

Eli smile. "Thank you."

While walking to work Kira is listening to a podcast about being a lawyer. She is tapped on the shoulder by her best friend Rachel. Rachel gives Kira her coffee.

"MMA podcast again? No rest for the nerdy." She says.

Kira finishes taking a sip of her coffee. "You know this is my every day routine every morning."

"I hate it so much."

Kira laughs she then notices Rachel's outfit. "Nice outfit, looks like yesterday days outfit."

"Yeah I overslept, I met this guy yesterday and we hit it off well."

"Oh I want a name."

Rachel and Kira's other best friend, Tyler, walks towards them.

"How are y'all mornings?" He asks.

"I want an answer that Rachel isn't giving me." Kira says.

"Oh I want the tea, now spill." Tyler says.

"Fine. His name is Derek Hale."

Kira stops. "Derek Hale?"

"Oh Rachel I see you. Is he cute?" Tyler asks.

Rachel can't stop thinking about Derek. "Yes." She says with a moan at the end.

"No. Not him. He has been through so much." Kira blurts.

"You know him?" Rachel asks.

"YES. That is my wife's' cousin."

"Oh." Rachel and Tyler says.

"What has he been going through?" Tyler asks.

"He lost his boyfriend in a fire, his son is missing, and I haven't talked to him ever since it happened." Kira says.

"Maybe you should, and I can go with. Because his dick felt so good. I bet his boyfriend LOVED being dominated by that hunk." Rachel laughs.

"Hilarious. Derek was the bottom." Kira walks in the building.

"Oop, that took a turn." Tyler follows Kira.

"But he looks like a top." Rachel follows her friends.

Hale Loft.

Derek is on his computer trying to connect the dots to find Eli. He gets disturbed by someone walking in.

"So this is where you been hiding huh?" The woman says.

Derek turns his head to see his friend. "Hayley?"

"Hey, Hale."

They hug each other. She then shoves him away.

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