Chapter 6

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"It's okay, not a lot of people believe in it anyways." Star tried to assure Snufkin, who—after Star revealed that she knows more than she's letting on— was a little flabbergasted at her, but quickly calmed down in favor of asking her: "Are you sure it's okay?"

Star nods "Yeah, you're not the first though but out of everyone yours was the most pleasant experience."

"Everyone?" That caught Snufkin's attention.

"I met many people on my way here. On my journey I stumbled upon a building full of scholars. And when I approached one and asked of my home, they laughed and spat on my face."

"He sounds quite rude." Snufkin comments.

Star shook her hand "I think he means no harm, he just truly believed that someone like me can't live on my home."

Well, Snufkin can see why. He didn't believe it either and labeled her stories as mere riddles or embellished truths regarding her true home. It never crossed his mind at all that she could be telling nothing but the whole truth. But to give her a chance, let's say she is telling the truth. How did she travel with the whale?

Snufkin asked about it and she delivered as always.

"The whale always passes by every year, circling my planet before traveling towards the neighboring planets. And one year I decided to jump and ride on the whale."

Snufkin hums "Sounds like you took a leap of faith."

Star smiles "It seems I did. Although I wished someone told me it would be scary but I'm glad it is."

"What makes you say that?" Snufkin had a smile on his face when he asked. Perhaps Moomin may be right about Star being an odd girl.

"Because I gained bravery. Without the fear I felt, I never would've earned that bravery. If I hadn't jumped on the whale that day, I never would've traveled."

Snufkin was left speechless and considered those words she spoke, and thinking about it now, she has a fair point. Snufkin himself had his own run ins with fear during his travels. Fear kept him alive but it also held him back like it did Star. Without bravery Snufkin wouldn't have been able to travel either. To journey the unknown is no easy feat and here is a fellow traveler.

Speaking of her beginnings even if it's impossible to believe. The words about bravery is nothing more than the truth.

"Don't you agree Snufkin?" Star's question broke what ever train of thought Snufkin had, he merely smiles and said:

"Yes, that is true."

And as Snufkin gazes over the now incoming sunset, he found himself getting curious about Star's travels. Where did she go? Who did she meet along the way? And what made her travel in the first place? All of these he wants to know, but not right away. That would only spoil everything. Snufkin doesn't need to know right away, he can learn one question at a time.

"And after I rode the whale, my journey begins." Star says, balancing herself on the railings of the bridge.

"I see. Well I hope you had a pleasant trip."

Star gave a light laugh "Nothing in this world is perfect Snufkin. I had my own problems during my trip but—I think I'll save that story for another time."

It's not often Star can stumble upon who seemed interested in her stories about travels. So when Snufkin asked about her journey in the coming day, she didn't knew what to do at first. Where is the little laugh that she was often met with? Where are the snide remarks about focusing on Arithmetic, History and Grammar?

Snufkin didn't do any of that, he was calm, quiet and considerate. Giving Star the courage to talk about her journey. And it begins on the neighboring planets 612, 613, 614, and 615

The first planet was planet 612. A small but a thriving lushed planet, filled with beautiful yellow roses. On the planet stood two girls, one in a blue dress and the other in a yellow dress. "It seems we have a visitor sister." The girl in the blue dress spoke to the girl in the yellow dress. Sisters eh?

"Excuse me, but why do you look like each other?" Star asked.

"We are twins." Both girls replied.

"Twins, and you both are sisters?"

"Indeed." They answered together again. Star then looked down and saw their shoes.

"What are those?" She pointed to the girl's shoes.

"Why, these are ballet shoes!" The yellow one gleefully smiled at her with such grace "Allow me to demonstrate."

Without another thought the girl in the yellow dress began dancing. A type of dance Star has never seen before, but it's graceful, it's gentle and it's beautiful. The blue girl stood beside star as they watched the yellow girl dance with the flowers swaying by the wind.

"She's the greatest dancer in this planet you know."

Star was confused "But—You two are the only ones in this planet."

"Exactly, but my level of dancing is nothing compared to hers." The blue girl referred to her twin. Who continues to dance and entertain Star with beautiful spins and twirls.

"How are so sure about that though?" Star asked.

"Just watch me and you'll understand." The blue girl simply answers. The yellow girl's dancing came to an end and the girl in blue began dancing herself, and she is just as beautiful and graceful as her twin. Star would even argue that they are on the same level of skill when it comes to this ballet dance.

"Isn't she just the greatest at dancing?" The yellow girl says beside Star.

"Indeed she is." If the yellow girl also thinks the blue girl is an amazing dancer, then why the blue girl say she's not good enough? It doesn't make sense to Star at all.

"I'd even argue that she's better than me." The yellow girl solemnly looked down. Leaving Star even more confused then she already is. She never brought it up though, she just merely observed and thanked the twins for such a wonderful performance.

"What an odd set of twins." She whispers as she rode back on the whale. Eager and ready to see more planets and the people that lived with them.

Stars on Earth (Snufkin x reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora