Chapter 2

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"So what brings you here? Why are you looking for Moomin Valley?" Snufkin asked out of the blue.

"I came to look for stars among the grass."

When Snufkin first heard Star say that. His immediate thought was that it was a riddle. That's how Star mostly talk anyways, come to think of it. When Snufkin asked her how she got here she simply answered "I traveled on the back of a cosmic whale."

And it got Snufkin's memories jogging about how he's suppose to solve the riddle. Riding a cosmic whale is impossible, given that he's never seen. Granted, the meer existence of a warlock flying around with a black panther is enough to get Snufkin to reconsider. Star must be talking about a less stellar version of a whale. Or it could be possible that she's talking about a boat.

Whatever the answer is, it became a mere water drop when he asked Star more about herself. Effectively giving Snufkin more riddles to solve.

"So where you from?" Snufkin asked, and he was hit by another riddle.

"I live in a small planet near B612." She answers. There, B612 is the clue Snufkin needed to try and figure out where she truly comes from.

"The dusk there is always quite beautiful." Snufkin paused his moment of thinking before turning to Star talking about her home planet "Every morning when the sun rises, it always bathe the sky in a beautiful blue and yellow."

Star then began to frolic among the grass that surrounded them. And that marked the first time Snufkin has ever seen her smile in their two day walk. Despite seemingly near Snufkin's age, there's an aura of innocence in how Star plays with grass. Almost like that of a child. She seemed to be a nice girl in Snufkin's eyes and he can't wait for his friends to meet her. The play time had to end eventually, Snufkin and Star went back to walking to the direction of Moomin Valley.

Snufkin admired a beautiful spring day. The way the birds sing their songs and colorful flowers dotting around a beautiful meadow. Why it's just so breath taking. And that is exactly what happened to Star when she first saw Moomin Valley for herself.

Snufkin could see the adoration and awe in her eyes and he couldn't help but smirk.

"Well, this is my stop now." Snufkin set aside his bag near the same spot he always camps. Near the river where he could catch a fish. Star in turn, bows to Snufkin.

"Thank you for taking me here."

"Why you're very welcome."

Overall it was a nice pleasant journey with Star. Mostly filled with music and riddles, and Snufkin will admit. He had fun spending time playing music before. Which is why he joined Star by her side on the bridge railing. His harmonica in his hands and Star with her tin whistle. Together they created the same harmony they had during their journey. Creating a harmonious tune that can be heard all throughout the Valley.

"Snufkin! You made it!" Right on cue, Moomin and Little My ran towards Snufkin as quick as their little feet could handle.

"Boy it sure took you long enough." Little My says.

"Morning Moomin. Glad I made it on time for spring." Snufkin says.

"Well I'm glad you made it. I've been waiting—" Moomin pauses and Snufkin can guess that he had seen that Snufkin is not alone in this bridge.

"Snufkin who's that?" Little My was the first to ask, and when Snufkin saw her clam up he knew he had to be the one introducing. Star should really gain her confidence soon. Luckily, this place is just about as perfect as it can be for her.

"Moomin, Little My. This is (Y/n) but she prefers to be called Star." Snufkin then turned to Star "Star, these are my friends. Moomin and Little My."

Star was quiet and meek for a bit, but she manage to give a small nod of her head while saying "It's a pleasure to meet you all."

"Hi Star! It's a pleasure to meet you too!" Moomin cheerfully greeted, and Snufkin hopes that Star can build a friendship around this so she could boost her confidence.

Snufkin doesn't know he had wanted to help her this bad, he just knows that he has to. Ever since she saw the freedom in Star's eyes as she ran through a field of tall grass. He just had to see it again.

Perhaps he does know why he wants to help.

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