Chapter 7

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Star couldn't sleep again. It's become a habit of hers ever since she left her home planet. Of course she would still sleep, but when she couldn't sleep, she escapes through the window of the Moomin house and take a walk in the night. The stars littered the sky and perhaps one of them is a planet that holds fellow neighbors she hasn't met yet.

The night wind is colder from the season of spring. Summer is still so far away, she would have to keep waiting for a while. Which wasn't so bad. The Moomin family have been nothing but gracious to her, feeding her great food and giving her a lovely room where she could stay for as long as she needs to.

There comes a point though, where Star will have to repay the favor forward. That's when she got into cooking.

"My, you're certainly great with the knife there." Moomin Mama complimented her during yesterday's lunch, where Star was tasked to chop the pumpkin for pumpkin soup. She did so effortlessly with the skills she had learned from the neighboring planets.

That reminds her, Snufkin still wants to learn more about her journey. She won't bother him though, it's late into the night and she wouldn't want him to loose sleep. That's why she continues to wander by herself. Hopelessly wishing that her walk would last long enough until Summer arrives in Moomin Valley. That's nothing but wishful thinking though. She knows it's impossible to make summer come fast. Much like how it's impossible for her to wish for summer to last longer.

The planet needs to take it's time. Force it to go too fast and you risk loosing what made the seasons special in their own way.

Star found herself on the bridge again. Trying to balance on the railings with nothing the bright moonlight beams being her guide.

And once she got tired of that, she moved onto carving a piece of firewood she found unused. With a simple knife, she began to scrape out a shape that first came to mind. Silently waiting for the time to pass for magic hour to peek over the horizon.

That was when he showed up.


Star looked up to see who called her name. It was Snufkin! And he had on a gentle smile "Up to see magic hour I see?"

Star shook her head "No, I just couldn't sleep that's all."

It didn't take long for Snufkin to be by Star's side, close enough that he can see what exactly she is doing "You're carving at night?"

"The moon is bright enough for me."

That didn't quell Snufkin's worry. Carving something with a sharp tool can be dangerous if there's no light, but Star just whittled the wood away with ease.

"You seem to be really good at this. Where did you learn that?"

"From a wood carver at planet 613. Do you want to hear about it?"

"Please. Continue." As soon as Snufkin gave the go, Star took her chance and began her story about the second planet.

Planet 613. The planet itself is a little bigger than Star's planet, and the space was filled dozens of wood carvings. Flowers and Elephants alike being the most dominant pieces in the place. In the middle of it all? A young youth whittling away at wood with his knife.

"Excuse me?" Star tried her best not to stumble or hit any of the pieces, but that served to be impossible.

"Huh? Sorry I can't talk right now. I'm busy." The youth babbled out.

"Oh, my bad then." That left Star just stood there in an awkward silence. Up until she broke it "Excuse me? But may ask why you have so many carvings?"

"Because I can't stop until I achieve perfection." The youth says "If you must say then you may take—" the youth pauses to yawn "—you may take some wood and carve as you wish, just don't bother my concentration again."

"You seem tired." Star noticed.

"Why of course, lack of sleep does that to you."

"Then wouldn't it be better to take a small break?"

The youth shook his head "No, I must not loose my flow. I must reach perfection while I have focus."

"And that's how I learned to carve." By the time Star had finished her little fox carving and her story. Morning had already set itself among the skies.

"Hm, didn't seem like he taught you anything. He's much too busy focusing on perfection that he doesn't even sleep." Snufkin says.

"I don't think there's anything wrong with perfection." Star comments "But I do wish the youth would sleep. Maybe his pieces are not perfect because he's too tired to see right. Like mine."

Snufkin paid attention to the little fox Star had carved. Finding that it does seem flawed, but it didn't take away the fact that the fox is still well made and he made it known to her "Your carving doesn't seem too bad. At least you gave it your all."

"Thanks Snufkin." Star smiled. And something about that smile made Snufkin feel warm inside. Akin to the feeling he gets whenever Moomin gets happy whenever Snufkin came back to to the valley.

"But I wish I followed my own wishes and took a nice nap." Star yawns out her fatigue. Evidently making it clear that she really hasn't gotten much sleep.

Then an idea came to Snufkin "You could pass out if you walked all the way back to the house. Sleep here on my my back, that way you'll get your sleep."

Star seemed hesitant "Really? I wouldn't want to be a bother."

"I really don't mind. Just make sure you wake up within fifteen minutes."

Star smiles again. A tired one at that but it still made Snufkin feel warm inside.

"Thanks Snufkin and don't worry. It'll just be a small snap." Star leans her head on Snufkin's shoulder and right then and there. Her world's lights were snuffed out. Snufkin smiles at her fast sleep. The poor girl really is tired. And Snufkin felt warm inside.

Yes. . .

It really is nice to be there for a friend.

Stars on Earth (Snufkin x reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें