Five Years later

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After the fight against Karli, Bucky and Marissa has been dating and doing normal couples stuff just the two of them. Bucky managed to make ammends to everyone he needed to finishing up the therapy session as well as Marissa managed to finish her own. The two got married years later, Bucky proposed to her at the place they first met and they got married in Brooklyn New York. After some time the two managed to have three kids. Two boys and a girl. They all developed some sort of powers cause of their parents. The boys inherited the Super Soldier strength from Bucky as well as the manipulation of glass like Marissa. Marie they believe inherited the same gifts but they would have to wait for when she got older to find out. "Kids its time to go to Sam's." Marissa called out as Bucky came down with baby Marie. 

"Steve, Jackson come on." Bucky yelled out to the boys as they came straight for them. Marissa smiled looking over at the kids then at Bucky as the two kissed each other happy. They all walked over to Sam's place allowing the boys to go play with the other kids. Marissa brought the cake over talking to the adults while Bucky was allowing some of the kids to hang onto his metal arm while holding Marie in his other arm. When it was just the two of them on the bench they were looking into each others eyes with a huge smile on their faces. They were both glad that after everything they been through together it all landed them to this moment right here to the two of them in each others arms with the future they already set in stone. 

"I love you James Barnes." She told him. 

"I love you too Marissa Jones." He told her. 

(and that is a wrap of the series I am not doing another book for any more I figure this is a good way to end the series. I hope you like it as much as I liked making this series. I hope to see you in my other stories as I write them.)

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