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After the fight, John ran away and the three were some where as Bucky held her bleeding hands in his as he helped her get the glass shards out of her hands. They healed before they went to John's location to take the shield back before he could do any more damage with it. "Walker..." Sam said getting his attention. 

"You guys should see a medic, you don't look so good." John said calmly but still furious. 

"Stop, Walker." Marissa told him with a sigh. 

"What? You saw what happened. You know what I had to do. I killed him because I had to! He killed Lemar!" He yelled angered. 

"He didn't kill Lemar, John. Don't go down that road. Believe me, it doesn't end well." Bucky told him warning. 

"I'm not like you." He spat to him. 

"Listen, it was the heat of the battle. Okay? If you explain what happened, they may consider your record. We don't want anyone else to get hurt. John... You gotta give me the shield, man." Sam explained to him as John scoffed. 

"Oh, so that's what this is. You almost got me. You made a mistake. You don't wanna do this." John told them trying to threaten them. 

"Yeah, we do." Marissa said as Bucky looked up. Soon enough the four started fighting three vs one. 

"Why are you making me do this? Why are you making me do this?" John yelled angered fighting trying to kill Bucky with the shield. 

"This isn't you, John." Marissa told him getting him off of Bucky.  

"We could've been a team. I am Captain America!" He screamed gripping her throat lifting her up. The boys fought him off causing him to forcefully drop her to the ground and to scream fighting. Soon enough John was down in defeat as the three walked out with the shield. 

Soon enough while Sam and Torres was talking, Marissa and Bucky were walking thinking about what to say. The two stopped walking as he lowered his head thinking. "I gotta catch him Mira I promise I'll be back soon enough." He told her as he walked away from her. She waited right where she's at as he does what he needed to do. By the time he was finished the two walked away to Sam's place hearing him talk to someone before he picked up the engine and puts it down off the truck. "You're welcome. Just dropping this off. You can sign for it and I'll go. I called in a favor from the Wakandans." He said as Marissa smiled. 

"I'm just the tag along." Marissa stated as they heard something hissing. 

 "Sam!" A woman called out as Sam went to fix it before Bucky stepped up stopping him. 

"Hi. Hi. Hold on, hold on. You gotta go up." He said as he demonstrated as the hissing stopped. 

"Why didn't you use the metal arm?" Sam asked confused.  

"Well... I don't always think of it immediately. I'm right-handed." He answered as Sam chuckled. 

"So, this is the boat, huh?" Marissa asked looking at it. 

"This is it." Sam answered. 

"It's nice. You want any help?" Bucky asked. 

"Yeah." he answered before the two went to work with Marissa taking her jacket off tying it around her waist to her tank top as she worked with them in the engine room. 

"Shit!" Sam cussed as Marissa helped with the engine.  

"Thanks." He said.  

"Think Karli's gonna throw in the towel?" He asked. 

"I think she's gonna double down." Sam answered as the two listened. 

"Any idea how to stop her?" Marissa asked holding a beer bottle in hand. 

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