Chapter LXX - 'I Say Stark, You Say How High' - I

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Tags/Warnings: Mention of Sex / Some Spanking / Use of Drugs & Alcohol

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"And you call yourself a doctor", Tony mocked as your hands tried steadying themselves.

"There is a big difference between what we're doing, and the actual practice of surgery. Now be quiet". Sharpening your gaze as you focus on your action, the alarm rang once again through the room, making you gasp, but Tony, just sniggered. "You moved the table!".

"No I didn't! It was your incompetence!", your brother argued back. He knew how to aggravate you. Of course he did, he was your brother.

"Look at you using big words". Just as you thought that you were about to successfully extract the foreign object from the body, the buzzer repeated. "Oh for fuck— shut up!". You slammed the metal tweezers down and crossed your arms. "This is stupid!".

"Just because you're losing!". Tony mirrored your irritation, but had purposely knocked the table, making you miss your game.

"I know you moved the table, you dickhead!". Both you and Tony stood, as when two people rise, ready to commence battle.

"Would you two calm down? '' The voice of reason and logic that was Bruce Banner, travelled from across the room. "It's only a game of Operation. It doesn't conclude on how skilled you are as a medical doctor".

"Darling? Is everything alright?". For once, you hadn't noticed Loki's entrance into the room. His voice triggered that automatic calmness over your anger, aiding it down to a state of calm. But not quite.

"Yeah everything is fine, although I may take a leaf from your book and stab my brother". Tony rolled his eyes and dismissed your empty threat and he waltzed away from the table and over towards Bruce. Loki's hand found your waist, as he leant in to kiss your cheek.

"That's my girl". His lips could not break away from your skin, as those hands of his became greedily needy, both now lurking around your waist as your hands were occupied with packing away the children's game. "You have two hours before you take your leave. So now you must come with me". His tickling lips forced a laugh from you, which pulled the attention from your brother and Bruce.

"Yuck. Just don't be late back". Tony spat, as Bruce smiled but looked away. "And Reindeer Games! Remember, no intervening this weekend", he continued to rant while Loki was whisking you away from the room. A scoff fell from Loki's lips at the remark from Tony, but to be fair, you had to keep reminding Loki of this as well. It was the final weekend for the Stark siblings to reminisce and party. Before one became a parent, and the other solidifying themselves in a de facto relationship.

Despite the sibling rivalry over the game of Operation —which did fall under that reminiscent umbrella as the two of you had gotten into a few fist fights over the game when you were children— the two of you were very, very excited for this last weekend. It was Thursday night, and very soon both you and Tony were flying over to the west coast. You both planned to start the next morning with a surf, a bagel, and a big spliff. But first, a final roll in the hay with your beloved; who was still struggling with his allowance of this weekend. Of course, Loki would never dare tell you not to go, he knew how much this weekend meant to you. And if a heavily pregnant Pepper was ok with this, then he had to be as well. But he still had his reservations over the possible chaos that you and Tony would unleash together. He would scoff at himself, with how ironic that feeling was. But he had heard more than enough stories of the Stark siblings in their younger days. He knew you two found it hard to stop partying once you both started. Just like him in his younger years; it was all or nothing. And his love for you and your wellbeing, his staunch protectiveness, was struggling with its restraint. But alas, he promised not to intervene unless you called for him.

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