Chapter Three : Rats in A Rabbit Trap

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"Y/N?! Y/N! Please, please wake up!"

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"Y/N?! Y/N! Please, please wake up!"

E/C eyes opened up, a headache splitting through Y/N's skull. She groaned and sat up, looking around the dimly lit room. She was laying on a pile of fazbear merch, storage shelves holding odds and ends. There was a door and a widow on the other side of the room, and a desk with multiple clunky computer monitors stacked on top of each other.

"What-? Gregory!" Y/N shouted, easing seeing Gregory's face, the boy relaxing himself seeing she was alright. "Are you okay, kiddo?"

"My head hurts, but yea" Gregory responded. "I haven't heard from Freddy or Optimus yet."

"Damn" Y/N cursed, looking up as the monitors came online, a blonde woman glaring with green eyes through the screen. 

"I bet you think you're clever, Gregory" she spat. "Yea, I know your name, little boy, and I'm gonna find out who your sister is too! You're in big trouble! This is NOT the night to be wasting MY TIME! So, you two are gonna wait right there in Lost and Found until your parents or the police arrive." 

"You PSYCHO BITCH!" Y/N shouted, standing up with a slight stumble. "You think the cops are gonna stand on your side after you physically assaulted a child?!" Suddenly, the screens crackled and glitched, the red eyes of that knife weilding bunny staring through the screens, maniacal laughter following.

"Are we having fun yet?" she taunted, the screens snowing and going black with a loud "pop" one after the other. Y/N turned to Gregory, the boy staring wide-eyed and terrified. 

"She knows we're in here" he stammered, starting to hyperventilate. "She knows we're in here and she's gonna be coming for us!"

"Hey, hey!" Y/N barked, quickly kneeling to Gregory and gripping him by the shoulders. "She's not gonna get us, alright? We'll figure a way out of here."

"How?! We're locked in! I already tried the door, and the windows won't break!" 

"Buddy, I've been in a lot worse situations" Y/N assured. "There's always a way out." The young woman looked around the room before her eyes landed on a vent grate. She stood up and went over to it, bracing her hands on the wall. Her foot collided hard with the grate, smashing it outward and into the outside lobby. "Okay, you can crawl out from here."

"What about you?" Gregory asked, frowning. Before Y/N could answer, the two heard a knocking on the glass window on the other side of the room, turning their attention towards the noise. Their blood ran cold seeing the bunny-suited figure from before menacingly waving with the knife in her hand before she disappeared from view towards the door, the handle jiggling. Y/N threw herself across the room and against the door, her heart pounding in time with the banging on the other side of the door. She looked over at Gregory with wide eyes, jerking her head towards the open vent grate. The boy stumbled and quickly fell to his hands and knees, disappearing through the vent. Y/N fought to keep the door shut a few moments longer before jumping back and letting it fly open. The bunny woman came crashing into the small room, wheeling around and getting a metal folding chair to the face. Y/N watched as the psycho fell to the ground, not wasting any time and swinging the chair back down towards her. The bunny rolled over in time to barely avoid the blow and hopped to her feet, swinging her knife towards Y/N. Y/N twisted herself under the bunny's swing, side stepping as she rolled her torso over and swung the chair, knocking the knife out of the bunny's hand and effectively, painfully-

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