Chapter 29

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Chatter had flooded the dining room, Sunghoon and Jake screeching in the corner as they talk about idol gossip, while sunoo and Ni-Ki laugh at Jay for staining his white shirt with ketchup.

"Hyung?" Jungwon turned to Heeseung, seeing his saddened eyes.

"What's up?" He questioned."I missed this" The elder confessed, a small genuine smile had found its way onto his pale face."How can you not miss it, it's us" Jungwon joked, lightly hitting his hyung on the shoulder. A chuckle had escaped his lips, alongside a heavy sigh, he held onto for so long.

Jay stood in the corner next to Haewon - the two casually chatting while observing the rest as they had fun.

As they converse, Haewon's phone rang -the sound of Fever by Enhypen filled the room, earning a few chuckles and a hysteric laugh from Jake.

"It's my dad, I gotta pick up"
Excusing herself from the rest she pressed the green button.
"Won, are you alright darling?" He asked worry evident in his deep, raspy voice."Yeah, why are you asking, did something happen?" Haewon asked, suspicious of her dad's sudden worry."N-nothing, It's just-" His voice trembled and his stutter made it clear something had gone wrong. Something bad."Dad what's wrong," She asked sternly, an anxious feeling piling in her body."We will talk when you get back, alright? Just know I'm sorry." Just as he finished his sentence, a commotion was heard in the background, followed by the sound of a man's voice - more so William's voice.

And so the phone call ended. Rushing out of the bedroom, Haewon pulled Jungwon aside from his friends - explaining what she had just heard on the phone.

"But your father never stutters, he makes people stutter, HE MAKES ME STUTTER!" he exclaimed, running a hand through his hair."Why can't things be alright for ONE DAY" he whined, picking up his coat from the nearby rack.

"I'll be back later" He explains to his members before rushing out of the building alongside his girlfriend.

As they sat inside the taxi, Jungwon firmly held onto his girlfriend's hand, trying to calm her down."It's alright Won, I'm sure it's nothing"Though as they notice the two police cars parked at the front gate of the residence, both their faces went as pale as snow.Throwing a 100$ bill at the driver and running out of the car Haewon was startled by the sudden appearance of paparazzi.

Immediately turning back towards her boyfriend a small part of her felt relieved - his mask, hat, and glasses were on as well as the extremely oversized hoodie she had bought a while ago. He ran to her, both interwining hands and running into the mansion.
There stood Haewon's father, resting against the white piano they had in the living room - a few blood stains evident on his white dress shirt, some of the upper buttons undone. His usually perfectly slicked-back hair was a mess and his tie was loosely hanging around his neck. With a cigarette in between his lips, his eyes focused on the tiled floor. The voice of his daughter quickly drew his attention.
"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?" she asked, panic rising as she stared at his bloodied shirt. "Your mother and I went out for dinner and she forgot her purse so we went back to see my dearest friend looking through private documents - apparently he has been selling information to rivaling companies" He explains calmly, taking a puff of the cigar he held. "I started yelling and dragged him out of my office - and so he punched me" ruffling his hair followed up by a low chuckle he continues. "So I beat the living shit out of self-defense of course," He says, showing his bloodied knuckles.
"Oh, my-" Jungwon says, a hand covering his mouth as he gasps in shock."That's not all though, searching for his peace of shit son, I stumble on him placing a camera in your room, so I drag him out of there too." Haewon stood speechless, her eyes teary as she held onto Jungwon's hand.
"Go up kids you have no business here" The old man said drily, pushing himself up from the piano."Keep her safe" He smiles, patting Jungwon on the shoulder before leaving to be questioned by the police.
"We can't have one normal day," Haewon says, falling down onto her bed, Jungwon laying beside her. "It's going to be alright Won, I am sure everything will be okay" He reassures her, caressing her long brown hair.Snuggling up into his chest, soft sobs filled the bedroom. Every little one breaking a part of Jungwon's heart."No, no, no don't cry babe, It will be alright," He says, pulling back a little- cupping her reddened cheeks.Placing a kiss on her forehead and whipping the tears away he gently smiles.

"I love you" 




so um im back, I forgot the password of this acc and I finally got it back up. 
The story is coming really close to an end I am so thankfull for all the comments and postive messeges. I love all of you and I never thought I'd have more than a 100 reads, yet here we are at like 40k.


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