16. Trust me

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I had to find Sally; she was the only one who could help me out now. However it was easier said than done, Halloween Town wasn't the same anymore. All the citizens that didn't terrorize the human world look tired and exhausted. Not one was in the mood to scare anyone, all their passion was lost. In between them were the trick-or-treater kids, watching over them. Like some kind of guards. The only one far enough of the three devils was the major. I breathed in deeply before approaching him. As expected, his mood wasn't the best when he saw me "You! You still have the audacity to show yourself here?! Didn't you cause enough trouble?!"

"I know what I am done and I am here to make things right, but for that I need to find Jack. Do you know where he is?"

The major hesitated for a minute, looking with his both faces in every direction before whispering to me "He is at old Oogie's place, but it won't help you much...Oogie Boogie is now the new ruler of this place."

"I heard, Halloween Town before Christmas, is he crazy?"

The major shook his head "Not only before...he also wants to celebrate it afterwards. The scaring and fun isn't the same anymore."

"After Christmas?!" he nodded. This wasn't good news.

"Thank you Sir, I promise you Halloween Town will be the same again, with Jack on top."

The major finds it hard to believe that, since he is also extremely tired of all the preparations for the next big event. To get me out of town, I hid behind him, till we arrived at the curly hill. "Please get the pumpkin king back, I beg of you."

"I will Sir, trust me."

"Here take him with you, he might be of good use to you" the major whistled, as something cam e into sight, a little white thing with an orange dot. I knew who that was!

"Zero my boy!" I yelled, petting the ghost dog. He also recognized me, licking my face off.

"You know him?" I decided not to keep him in the dark too long and explained about my change from witch to the doll he met. He was shocked "You are the doll?! But...but...how?"

"We haven't got time for this, I have to find Jack. Zero, light the way!"

It didn't take long, as the Oogie's place came into sight. I never thought I had to go back here. I asked Zero to check every inch of the place, till he finds the skeleton.

Inside a dark room was the pumpkin king.

He was in a corner, looking at the picture of me as a doll. He didn't admit it, but he had some feelings for this particular doll...not like a lover...more...like a member of his family...one he didn't want to lose. He sighted, as he remembered the time we spend together, even if it was just for a while. For the skeleton, it was the best time of his life. He placed the picture aside him, as something caught his eye. A light came through the room, stopping before his skull. Jack yelled with joy "Zero boy, where do you come from?"

The dog made a gesture for him to look up, his smile turned up side down, as he saw me...the witch.

"You have a lot of nerve to show yourself here!"

I clicked with my tongue "Funny, someone else said the same thing. I am not here to make you miserable. I am here to set things straight again."

"This is all your fault, Oogie is now leader till next Halloween...so you have to wait an entire year to beat him."

"Not really..." I said, smiling wide "...Oogie changed the date of Halloween to two days. One before...and the other after Christmas."

Jack knew what I was getting at " I see. So all you have to do is sabotage his event and make me the new head of the Town." But there was one thing the skeleton left out "In case you forgotten, you can't compete as the previous leader...but I can."

The nightmare after Christmas (Jack x reader)Where stories live. Discover now