Chapter V

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Tae's POV

I'm currently sitting inside the car, when the butler opened the car door for me. I got down, and stared at my mom blankly when I saw him running towards me frantically.

"Tae! Thanks God you're here. We all thought that you had run away!" My mom said worriedly, I could see the relief in his eyes upon seeing me.

"As if I have a choice. Running away only means me being homeless and disowned by my beloved parents just for the sake of a freaking ani--" I scoffed, as I was about to lash out my anger that I've been concealing since the morning.

"Please not now Tae. We know that forcing you to marry a stranger is wrong. But we are doing it for the both of you. Just give him a chance bear. I promise you wouldn't regret it. He is the sweetest---" my mom cut me off with the same explanation I keep on hearing from them.

"Whatever, let's get this shit done." I said rudely, along with rolling my eyes. Don't get me wrong, I love my parents. But eversince they forced me to marry that stupid bunny I couldn't help but stay angry with them.

I entered the hotel venue and walked along the aisle with my mom beside me. The venue's decorations didn't impressed me at all. It just made me want to puke, reminding me of my unwanted marriage.

I didn't bother to stopped in front of my dad nor the hybrid. I just walked straight to the mini stage where the priest was standing. I just want this shit to be over.

On my pheripiral vision I could see the hybrid slowly positioning himself beside me. When the priest saw that we are ready, he started the ceremony.

"Please recite your vows Mr. Kim" the priest said after his long ceremonial speech.

I frowned at the priest, I don't have a wedding vow for the hybrid. The guest are waiting for me to speak. fucking hell, I don't want to be embarrassed further. I clenched my fist so hard, but I feel something on my palm. I look at it and saw a piece of paper. Oh it's the paper my mom gave me on our way here. I assumed it's a wedding vow. So I immediately opened it. As I slowly turn to face the hybrid. I look at him blankly as I start to read what's written on the paper.

"I, Kim Taehyung , take you Jeon Jeongguk, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; until death do us part."  This words left a bitter taste on my mouth. Since those words doesn't even possessed an once of sincerity from me.

"Please recite your vows Mr. Jeon."
The priest said. I saw the hybrid took a small paper from his pocket. He held it carefully, and stared at it nervously. I can also see that his hands are shaking.

"I-I'm S-sorry Mr. P-priest, but... G-gukkie
Can't read. B-but G-gukkie has s-something to tell to pretty hyungie." The bunny explained with his signature stuttering, which annoyed me. I heard a mumurings from the guest. fuck! So embarrassing. I threw him a disgusting look when I've got to know that he couldn't even read. Damn mom and dad! Why are you punishing me like this?! Isn't having a hybrid as a husband enough punishment?! Why do I have to endure a stupid and illiterate one also?

"Oh it's alright Mr Jeon. No need to be sorry. Please you have the stage to tell your spouse whatever you want." The priest said politely, without judgement on his voice.

"Uhm... Taetae hyungie, Gukkie p-promise to be the best h-husband! Gukkie will t-take care of pretty hyungie. Gukkie will c-cook yummy foods for hyungie. Gukkie will pwotect hyungie f-from bad people a-and Gukkie will l-love pretty hyungie f-forever!" The hybrid said determinedly, as he smiled widely at me. Everyone could definitely see the excitement in his eyes. His words would probably melt me if it wasn't for him being a hybrid and stupid. I just rolled my eyes on him.

"Aww what a cute and loving vow you have young man" the priest said, looking that the bunny fondly.

"Now do you Kim Taehyung, take Jeongguk as your lawfully wedded husband?" The priest proceed to speak, after completing the bunny.

"I do" I spat venomously

"Do you Jeon Jeongguk, take Kim Taehyung as your lawfully wedded wife?

"I-I do!" the hybrid answered shyly, but happily.

"Ehem, so I may now pronounce you as husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride" the priest pronounced, which made my eyes widen at his last words. There's no way in hell I would give my first kiss to a freaking hybrid!

I just want to run away, but the guest are waiting patiently. And my parents are glaring at me. As if silently saying that I shouldn't make a scene.

I saw the hybrid stepping closer to me, which made me nervous. He slowly wrapped his muscled arm on my waist. Pulling me impossibly closer to him.  Fuck what should I do?!

"Y-you're so pretty, hyungie. C-can G-gukkie kiss you?" He asked shyly, while blushing. I glared at him, a low life like him had the guts to asked me for a kiss? The audacity! But I couldn't do anything. At least for now. I promise that I will definitely take revenge for this!

"Fucking do whatever you want." I whispered angrily.

But I gulped when he slowly leaned down to me. I will definitely lose my first kiss to this creature. I just close my eyes so that I wouldn't be able to see his face and remind me that I'm fucking kissing a hybrid.

I immediately opened my eyes when I felt a long and tender kiss on my forehead, instead on my lips.

And I saw the bunny smiling at me lovingly, with his bunny teeth in full display.

He looks adorable.

Fuck! What am I saying?! He's a pest! I shouldn't be blinded by his looks.

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