Early Christmas Pt1

Start from the beginning

I nodded.

She got up again and I didn't stop her this time. I watch her walk away with a strange feeling in my chest. I looked down at the food, there was one piece left.

Did she bring this to share? I ate all of it.

'I hope she doesn't think I'm a selfish glutton.' I thought.

I slowly finished the food and sighed in satisfaction. Y/n was right, it is better to eat food fresh and warm.

I washed my face and hands after throwing away the garbage. I sat down once again and opened up my notebook.

"She did it again." I said in annoyance, but a smile creeps on my face.

Every problem was solved and had the full steps for solving it. I shake my head as I closed the notebook. Grabbed my backpack and opened it. I tried putting the notebook inside, but it collided with something.

"What the..."

I placed the book down and opened my backpack to see a box. I take it out and it was wrapped. It had a note on it.

"Merry Christmas." I read.

I tore up the wrapper and opened the box. I took out a small Ryan plush with a blue hoodie.

I grinned as I held it up. It was so cute.

Look back at the box and it had a phone case or Ryan too. I grabbed it and looked at it. It was cute too.

I grabbed my phone and took out its case, replacing it with the new one.

'Did Y/n leave this? How did she even know I liked Ryan?' I thought, but my question was quickly answered when I saw my Keychain in my backpack.

"Right..." I said.

Inside of the box there was one last thing, an album, and not just any album, it was an Eminem album. I grabbed it and found another sticky note inside.

I heard you rapping some of his lyrics while you were studying, so I assumed you liked him
-Merry Christmas!

I set down the note and the album then grabbed the plushie again and hugged it. I took a whiff of it, it smelled like Y/n.

"Merry Christmas, I guess."

Yoongi's POV

I count the money I received and typed it down on the computer. It told me the specific change and I counted for it.

"Here's your change. Happy holidays." I gave the change to the customer and bowed my head slightly down.

"Thanks, happy holidays." The customer smiled and left.

I lean back on the chair. I was offered a shift on Christmas eve and I took it since I needed the money.

It wasn't as bad since tonight was mostly empty due to the holiday. I take out my phone and watch a movie while I wait in the empty store.

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