I feel like he thinks with his heart and not so much his head.

"Anyway, give me back my vision! If you plan on keeping it, then you'll just have to fight me!" Itto yelled at her pointing at Sara.

Sara looked at him with a raised eyebrow like she was sick of him.

"I don't have time for this. If you don't get out of my way, then I'll get my men to move you aside myself. "

Itto p.o.v

"What are you scared of facing the great and powerful arataki the one and oni itto!" I said, sticking my chest out proudly.

'I can't let her passed me. I don't know when y/n will be back... So I have to keep them here until then. If they run into her, they might capture her' I thought

The Kujou tengu looked at me with hatered in her eyes. She seemed so annoyed that she might actually hit me.

And She was about to until.


I turned my head towards the voice, and my eyes widened when I saw who it was.

"Sara, are you really picking fights with innocent civilians?" Y/n asked her, walking towards us.

"Men! Surround her!" Kujou tengu commanded, and even more men jumped out of the woods and surrounded y/n.

"Y/-" I started, but she suddenly gave me a look that seemed to say,' Don't say my name, or you'll get caught up in this mess to'

Y/n let out a sigh and then spoke again," I'm not here to fight you. I'm here to make a deal with you."


"Yes. If I give myself up to the vision hunt decree, I want you to make sure you and your men never come around here ever again. If you can do that, then I won't put up a fight; I'll go with you willingly."

"Why here?" Kujou tengu asked y/n.

"That's not important. There's something I want to keep safe here and away from you, that's all. So is it a deal or not?"

Kujou tengu stayed quiet for a bit, but then " fine."

"I'm glad we could come to a mutual agreement, Sara." Y/n said, bowing her head at her.

'Y/n, you can't do this. If you do, you'll die,' I thought as I watched her put her head back up.

Y/n noticed me staring at her. I noticed there was a sad look in her eyes. Even though her expression was neutral, her eyes were screaming out ," I'm scared."

"Put your weapons down and apprehend her." Kujou tengu commanded her men facing away from me and y/n and towards her men.

'I don't want her to go yet. She's my friend. I want her to stay with the arataki gang longer.'

I suddenly ran up to y/n, picking her up, causing her to let out a short scream.

I started running while I carried her. She had her head in my chest, and her legs were to both sides of my torso.

"I Know You Like Me" ( Arataki itto x female reader)Where stories live. Discover now