Chapter 3

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Andrei woke up in the middle of the night, he's looking for someone. But he wasn't sure who.

'Who am I even looking for? Everyone's afraid of me. Argh, I should get ready to open the store.'

But he's still confused, did he forget about something?

He immediately exercised and after doing his morning routine, he then prepared for the day. He visited his father's store first.

"Yo dad!" He saw his father arranging things and is preparing to open his shop.

"You're early, as expected of my son."

They immediately do their greeting and had breakfast together.

"You know, I've always been grateful to that child. Because of her, you became like this. And I am proud of what you've become now."

Andrei was once a troublemaker, a scumbag it may seem. But he was just always misunderstood because of how he look, he was tired explaining his side. No one wanted to hear his side, so he just took the role of a troublemaker and make it real.

Everything he does, is not a misunderstanding anymore. It is always intentional. But one day, the second year student Andrei met a woman. It all happened three years ago. She's small, yet stern and her words are strong. She's the first one ever to defend him when no one wanted to hear his side. Except for his father, she was the first.

Then she made him realize his worth, if what he's doing is what he really want to do or was he really happy. And took his ever first dish, unexpectedly it was her favorite, pudding. Her genuine expression gave him a lot of motivation. He started to change then, he studied hard with or without anyone's recognition. He took a course related to pastry and cooking. It was really his dream. And thanks to her, he came back on the right track.bAnd it's been a year and a half that his business has been successfully established.

But who's 'her'?

"Who are you talking about?" He said, while taking a sip on his coffee.

"That child that helped you. Anyway, get out now."

'It's His will to let this happen. It's up to you now son. And also her.'

Andrei is now on his way to his shop, but before he could open up the shop. His first costumer of the day is in front of his store.

"Hello, I'm here to buy some macarons!"

Her white hair fluttered through the air and her blue eyes are brightly shining.

He should feel familiar about her, but there's something that isn't right. 'She didn't came for pudding.'

The marching of horses came that morning, knights in white magnificently came in sight.

They all asked the people about someone, a certain people. If everyone saw a woman with white hair and is residing in their village for almost three years.

Everyone answered yes but never knew where she had gone.

That morning, Heaven never anticipated for the story of Neveah to spread much further. They're exaggerating the image of Neveah, and calling her a saint. The person called Neveah.

She goes out to buy new supplies. But the stares at her were making her uncomfortable.

"Oh my, is she trying to copy Neveah?"

"Oh, she can't. She has black hair."

It should've been an expected response from the people but it shouldn't be like this. The people should've ignored her but why are their focus was directed at her?

"Hi, lady. I'm here to buy some—"

"Oh my! No one called me lady other than my husband and that woman. Nice play but you can never match to her. Anyways, what is it you want to buy?" And the first friend she made, Guinevere, can't remember her. It was painful but she can't do anything about it, she could but she can't.

'It was like before. Maybe it's a wrong thing to stay?'

"Here you go. And here's some fruits since you're pretty. Don't worry it's free." Guinevere showed her a thumbs up so Heaven smiled and said her thanks.

'At least, she's still kind.'

While she's walking, she still heard a lot of murmurings. Calling her a copycat and more.

"Excuse me, miss. Can I ask you a few question?" Heaven's eyes grew wide. She never expected to meet a white knight here.

'Was it always like this?'

She calmed down herself, she smiled at them even though they can't see her face well because of the hood of her cloak.

"Yes? What is it?"

"Have you seen a white haired woman around here before? And her name's Neveah?"

She can't lie. That's one of her personality.

"I never did, since I am always at my home."

It's true, she only go out whenever she needs to.

"But have you heard stories about her around the area?"

She nodded as an answer. It's also true, rumors about Neveah had circulated around from the places she visited before and also here.

"Then, thank you for the time."

She was about to turn around when a moving carriage in a fast pace almost hit her, so the knight pulled her and her cover went down and revealed her appearance.

It was painful, being hit by the carriage but also the memories of being hit and pulled around.

"Heaven? You're Heaven right?"

That voice. It was a very familiar voice. She looked up to confirm it, so her eyes widened when she saw the very familiar face.

It's as if it wasn't long when she last saw that face.

It's Damiano Lluacard, the commander of the Holy Knights or White Knights. The person, who loathed her so much.

'Impostor! You're a fake!'

It hurts. She held her head, she closed her eyes and she's sweating a lot. Her breathing became heavy.

"Heaven! Heaven!"

Who's calling me?

Purple eyes..

"..eaven! No!"

Then darkness took her consciousness.

Oh hello! This is just a sneak peak of this story, because I'm having a hard time on how to express the story on 'The Protagonist's Child', the plot about this has been on my mind so I need to write it down. And of course, I'm still planning to finish TPC first before continuing this. And again, this is just a sneak peak. Well anyways, if you haven't read TPC, try reading it if you love to stress youself (because as far as I can see a lot of TPC readers are so stressed about lol, gomenasai). I should bid my good bye now (temporarily) and hopefully I can straighten the path of TPC since I'm having writer's block whenever I'm about to type something in TPC.

Keep safe everyone! Mwah!

- adorablepen

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2022 ⏰

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