Chapter 2

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Year 774 of Imperial Calendar, new year.

It's Heaven's 18th birthday. At least in this world.

"Oh, miss Heaven. Happy new year! And also happy birthday!"

She had contemplated about it for the past few years, it's now time to be just her now. No one will know because Neveah is the one they're looking for.

"Here take it, it's my gift for new year and also your birthday." The lady handed her a basket of fruits eith a smile.

"Thank you, lady."

"Oh my, this is why I like you very much you make me feel like a real lady." She then giggled.

Heaven smiled and answered her.

"You're a real lady."

"Don't make hopes for her. Look at her dreaming like an idiot." Chester said while teasing her beloved Guinevere.

"Oh my, look at this. My husband is very unsupportive."

And they started bickering but hearts are floating around them.

"I shall take my leave."

"Bye bye! Oh don't forget to come here if you need any help."

Heaven has been in that village for almost three years, and Guinevere was the first one to help her.

A true lady helps one another.

That's why Guinevere is a true lady, not like those that was sheltered and well clothed.

"Oh it's Ms. Heaven, you're still in the village. Haven't decided what to cook for tonight?"

"Yes, I haven't yet. Should I have meat for tonight or vegetables?"

"Oh why don't you visit the pastry shop today? Their cake is the best at this season." The old man said while cleaning his butcher knife. He looked terrifying but his heart's so tender.

It's always the don't judge a book by its cover. Mr. Frei is a butcher and is selling animal meats, he had helped her before too when she was in trouble in this village.

"Let my son go with you."

"Dad, I told you don't force anyone to go with me." Andrei said while putting down his bag and now tying his long silver hair. His purple eyes can't be clearly seen not after he took off his glasses, but he also brought it back and fixed it. He paused when he saw the lady in front of her.

He immediately became stiff and red. He was a big and tall man but when he looked at her, he became a so stiff that didn't know what to do next.

"You punk! It's all thanks to this lady you became like that you can't even show your gratitude to her properly. I'm already helping you."

Andrei sighed, and his focus came back to her when she laughed. It was a fascinating sight.

"The store was closed but, may I?" He then offered his hand, Heaven smiled before she put her hand there.

It was soft and smooth, but for some reason Andrei became insecure about his. 'My hands are big and rough, what if I am holding her hand too tight? What uf—'

Heaven saw the anxious side of Andrei so she grabbed his hand and said.

"Worry not, because I am fine."

He then blushed again.

The continued to walk through the shop and a big 'closed' sign was visible. Nevertheless, he opened it but still leave it at that and they both entered the shop.

"Are you sure this is fine?"

"Yes it is, if it is you."

"I don't like special treatments."

He paused when he heard that, he didn't know what to say.

"I'm just kidding. It's just that most people do something special to someone it's either because they owe them something or they want something from them. Are you one of them?"

He wanted to say no, but he can't lie since he also wanted something from her. It's her appreciation.

"Don't worry if it's you maybe I can also make an exception." She then smiled that made him blushed again. He prepared a dessert she wants, something soft and something yummy. Her favorite, a pudding.

It wasn't on sale, since it was only and solely made for her.

"Why don't you put this on sale?"

She said while putting a spoonful to her mouth. And satisfaction is clearly seen on her face.

Andrei smiled from the fascinating sight. This sight is the reason why he never put it on sale, he loves the expression she always show whenever she ate the pudding he served.

"It's special. It can't be bought by any gold."

Heaven took the last bite.

"It won't be special anymore if the person you're dedicating it to won't be able to eat it anymore, right?"

Andrei has a gloomy face while hearing her words. He can't give a response to her statement but he hates it a lot and he can't do anything to that. When she said that, she looked so calm as if it was already decided. It wasn't the first time she had expressed something like this. And it's always unpredictable, always out of nowhere she would say something about leaving.

"Please don't say that."

"Say what?"

"Like.." he kneeled in front of her with a teary expression. His hands were trembling, he then hold her hand.

" you're leaving."

She smiled at him, "I won't."

She said that she won't but in his eyes, it's still not convincing enough. She's still going to leave.

"Please bring me with you if you're leaving."

"I'm sorry, I can't."

That day he cried a lot. Heaven never thought of someone crying this much when she said she's leaving.

'I bet they're celebrating if I'm going to say something similar.'

"At least tell where you're going."

"I won't be far, not so near but not so far. I'll just be there. Don't worry you can still find me. But there's no specific place I could tell you."

"But until then, can I be by your side? Even for awhile?"

Heaven smiled, but now with tears on her eyes.

They hugged each other that day, not letting go of each other. And it was the first time when Heaven forst had her regrets about her decision to leave.

'He'll forget about me anyway.'

That night, Andrei joined her to celebrate new year and her birthday. It was a first for her to celebrate eith a man. And it's a special someone.

They slept together (they literally slept not the other way around, stop imagining impure things to our pure Heaven, alright? okay continue), she then looked at the man's face. He's so beautiful that God blessed him too much perfection, but still many people's afraid of him because of his big stature.

'He looked like a big puppy.'

It's now time for her to leave. But, does she have to? It's been years already. The people here won't recognize her anyway when morning comes.

She closed her eyes, clasped her hands together and blessed the whole village.

They'll now remember Neveah, and not Heaven anymore. The same with the man beside her.

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