Ch 2 : Nothing but a lost Cause Pt1

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After the events with Silvia encountering Zip and losing her brother she became sort of depressed and at night she would cry her self to sleep and the rest of the Eeveelutions tried to make her feel better but she just couldn't be happy so they gone to her dad for help.

Pearl : Can you please tell us how to cheer up Silvia she been depressed for a week straight.

Frank : I'm afraid I can't do anything about her depression.

Crystal : Why not!? My best friend is crying herself to sleep because of Gai being possessed and all!

Frank : I know I was sad to know I might not get to see my son again but I had to move on.

Lazuli : If you don't know how to snap her out of being depressed can you at least tell us what make her happy?

Frank : I will but just let her deal with it herself because forcing her to be happy will make her kind of mad so I would suggest you guys letting her deal with this by herself.

After Frank told the squad what made her happy

Pearl : Okay. Thanks for the help Mr.Frank.

Frank : Anytime but stay save from you know who and tell me how it works outs with Silvia and Gai.

Pearl : We will!

The Eeveelutions leave Frank's House

Gai.Zip : It's about time they left

Zip appears behind Frank and Frank is Shock by Zip's arrival

Frank : What do you want from me you terrible monster.

Gai.Zip : I want your daughter to sever me as my servant for all eternity.

Frank : No! You may have taken my only son but you won't take my daughter!

Zip just stands there with a blank expression then smiles : Oh well.

*Unknown entity slit Frank's Throat it was SUPER EFFECTIVE!

Frank : *choke I—I *choke h-hope * choke t-t-to *gurgle s-see y-you again m-my son.

Frank then collapses on the floor bleeding to death

Gai.Zip : It a shame you could have been still living if you would just corporate and let me kill the Sylveon.

Gai.Zip  : Whatever I'll kill her anyway and don't wait up not like you can.

Gai.Zip does a creepy laugh before teleporting some where but then a Ampharos in a lab coat comes in the house and covers the cut on Frank's neck.

???: Don't worry I won't let you die on us.

At the Eeveelutions House

Pearl : Silvia

Pearl : Silvia

Pearl :Silvia!

Silvia : Gah!

Silvia falls off her bed and face first on the floor which gave her a nose bleed.

Silvia Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!

Pearl : Oma! Silvia I'm so sorry let me get you a tissue and a bandage!

Silvia : Hurry! So much blood is coming out!

After the nosebleed incident they going to the kitchen to eat.

Lazuli : Oh my! What happened to Silvia?

Silvia : Nosebleed.

Lazuli : How?

Silvia : I fell off the bed. : A New Threat to humanityWhere stories live. Discover now