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Calum was en route to the hospital and Sabrina and Amy headed back to Sabrina's apartment.

They wanted to be there for one another and wanted to be on heavy alerts for any news.

When Sabrina walked into her kitchen to grab a couple of sodas, she stopped, the pictures on her fridge door stunned her.

They hit differently now more than ever. She had tons of pictures, one of the work Christmas party from last year, one from Calum's birthday party, a picture of when Luke got her to try a new hot sauce and it was hotter than expected — she had a lot of memories plastered there and she gazed at the each of them, thinking back to those times, how everyone was laughing and joking around, how everyone was having fun.

"Sabrina are you okay?" Amy called from the living room and Sabrina was still zoned out thinking about how she embarrassed her self in front of Luke once because she walked out of the bathroom while talking to her sister on the phone and she talked about how hot he was and he happened to walk by, smirking real hard.

"SABRINA!" Amy screamed again jogging over to the fridge now snapping her fingers in front of Sabrina's face.

Sabrina snapped back into reality and Amy realized that she had been staring at the photos.

"What if he doesn't make it? What do we do?" She got all emotional again, mumbling her words.

"Listen to me, Sabrina, you have to stop thinking so negatively. He will make it, you havta believe that. Before you know it he will be back at work playfully teasing you like he always does." Amy tried to lighten the mood.

"You think so?" Sabrina sniffled.

"I can feel it in my bones.. now Cmon, gimme one of those sodas and let's go watch some hockey." Amy managed to distract Sabrina for now while Calum pulled into a parking space at the hospital, pushing the door open and walking into the entrance.

It was busy when he arrived, and walked through some people making his way up to a desk.

Calum gave the office woman Luke's details before she stood up making Calum follow her, she barely said a word.

They walked down a couple of hallways to a large door that said "Intensive Care Unit, proceed with cation." The lady opened the door letting Calum in, the first thing he noticed was the dim lights and loud beeps.

A middle aged brown man in a doctors coat stopped Calum immediately.

"I'm looking for Luke Hemmings." The doctor looked down at his clip board then at Calum before motioning him to follow, they walked to the opposite of the room, to where their was a set of white curtains closed over and he heard loud beeps again.

Calum gulped as the doctor slid the curtains open revealing, Luke, who was not conscious and hooked up to a lot of things.

Calum walked closer now standing at the edge of the bed taking in the site, his hands and fingers were shaking.

"What happened? What's wrong with him?"
The doctor looked at the clipboard once again before saying a word as he watched Calum looking at Luke.

"Mr Hemmings experienced cardiac arrest and was revived via CPR, it turns out the heart failure had progressed, do to a severe case of the flu. His heart is only working a fourth of what it should be, we had to intubate him in order to keep him alive and as stable as possible." Calum listened to the doctor while taking in everything in front of him, while he listened to the machines beep, while he wondered why all this had to happen.

"What's going to happen to him?"

"I'm afraid that the only way he will come out of this is by a heart transplant. His heart is way too weak to do what it's supposed to do. It's been compromised, there's no way to reverse the damage unless we get a whole new heart." Calum couldn't believe it, he couldn't believe that someone like Luke was doing so well and was taking such great care of himself, gets sick once and now is hanging on by a thread.

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