"whatever be safe" Taehyun said hugging the taller slightly "bye kai"

"bye tyunnie" Kai ruffled Taehyuns hair before dragging Yeonjun away

"gay people" Beomgyu sighed

"literally" Taehyun said "i never got your name" he said

"Beomgyu but anything is fine"

"Taehyun, you can call me whatever as well"

"wanna leave?" Beomgyu asked feeling a few pairs of eyes on her

"so suddenly?" Taehyun asked

"mhm i dont really like this party" Beomgyu said glaring over at the guys staring at her, they were from her middle school so they knew she was trans and outed her to people as a form of bullying

"alright did you drive here?"

"no Yeonjun drove me"

"are you okay with going on a motorcycle?"

"sure" Beomgyus eyes lit up with excitement and soon they were on Taehyuns bike driving towards Beomgyu and Yeonjuns place

"you wanna go trick or treating?" Taehyun asked after parking infront of the door

"seriously? arent we kinda old for that" she laughed

"no" Taehyun blushed lightly "got anymore fake blood?"

soon enough Taehyun was in Yeonjuns previous costume idea and was walking down the road with Beomgyu, candy bags in hand as they walked

After about an hour of collecting candy Beomgyu tripped when her heel got caught in the grass

"are you alright?" Taehyun asked bending down to her height inspecting her ankle

"it hurts" Beomgyu whined

"its really swollen already...ill carry you back" Taehyun said picking Beomgyu up bridal style and held her candy bag with his

Once they were inside Taehyun sat Beomgyu on the couch and got down onto the floor carefully untying Beomgyus heels sliding them carefully off of her feet taking the swollen one into his strong hands and gently massaging the aching muscles

Beomgyu let out small whimpers of discomfort but let Taehyun do whatever and eventually the pain in her ankle disappeared

"so how old are you?" Taehyun asked

"17" she said "what about you?"

"16" he blushed out of embarrassment, having assumed he was the older one there "so youre my noona?"

"mhm" Beomgyu blushed at the honorific

"let me carry you to your room so you can change" Taehyun said picking Beomgyu up and carrying her to the bedroom "which clothes do you want to wear noona?" Taehyun asked

"green sweater" Beomgyu said softly pointing at the muted green oversized sweater in her closet

Taehyun grabbed the sweater and placed it on the bed next to Beomgyu "ill be out here yell if you need me" he said about to leave the room

"w-wait" she said before he could leave


"i need help with the zipper of my dress" she blushed

"oh right" Taehyun said walking back over to her and unzipping the dress "anything else you need?"

Beomgyu shook her head and Taehyun quickly exited the room to give her privacy

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