Chap | 019

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        "They hated me," she finally speaks, and tears continue to run down her fair cheeks. "They seemed so... so nice and sweet at first, Hyunjin. They seemed so kind, but-" she leans in towards me, and I place my hand on her back, slightly caressing it. She cries, and I take her smaller figure into my embrace. 

        I tell her to calm down first, and then she can tell me. I tell her it's okay, although I do not even know if it is. I tell her they don't deserve her, although I do not know most of what they did. I tell her I am here for her, and that is the one thing I know. 

        "We reached his family's house," Serene begins after calming down. "They all treated me so well. All of them were so well-spoken and kind, and I can't even complain about that because there was simply nothing bad about them." My eyes gaze at her as she fiddles with her fingers. "We had lunch together, then his sisters served us some dessert, and it was so delightful. And after that-" she pauses. She looks down at the ground, and I take her hands in mine. 

        "You don't have to continue," I reassure her, but she shakes her head.

        "They asked me about my interests, about what I liked doing, if I was a good cook or if I would need to be trained by Felix's older sisters. They said that I should be a good cook if I wanted to make them happy, and they said it humorously, but by then I had already figured out what kind of people they were. 

        "I wasn't going to speak of my interests after guessing they wouldn't like it, but Felix then proudly announced that I am an aspiring writer, and- Hyunjin, I cannot describe to you the way they looked at me. It was so shameful, they looked so... so disappointed. As if the angel they had made me out to be in the beginning suddenly turned into Satan himself."

         She begins crying again. I do not know what to say. I hold her tighter, and she inhales sharply. "I don't know what was going on in my head, but I told them I do not want to end up as an unemployed housewife, I told them I want to start doing something good for the world, for women such as me, to inspire other women to break against these utterly ridiculous stereotypes, but his mother... she almost hit me before she shouted at me." 

        "I-" I am at loss for words. "How- how could she?" I am supposed to say some words of comfort, but my mind genuinely isn't working straight. I am just angry. I am furious. I am hurt. Because how could they? How could they do that to her? How could they do that to Serene? Even if it wasn't serene, almost hitting someone because of their aspires was too much, was it not? 

        "She shouted at Felix. She shouted at him for bringing such an unbroken woman like me into their traditional household. His father asked me to leave instantly. Felix wanted to help me find a cab to the hotel I was staying at, but his father told him to stay home. That it was still early, and that it sure wouldn't be difficult for a woman such as myself  to find my way through a strange city." She stops talking, letting herself take a deep breath in. She seems more angry than hurt now. 

        Finally, she looks at me and sighs. "I returned home two days after. Felix came to my hotel and told me that he couldn't leave his parents for his own love life. That it would be too selfish. He told me he loved me, but that this wouldn't work out. I didn't know how to reply to him, so I didn't. We broke up."

        I should have seen it coming, right? But, still, I am surprised. And as guilty as I feel for thinking I would finally have a chance once again, I cannot help it. As bad as it is to feel even slightly happy in such a situation, I just cannot help it. 

        But, of course, my slight happiness lasts no longer than a few moments, as she then turns to me, and so easily she says it again. She looks at me and she tells me she loves him. She tells me she is so deeply in love with him, and she doesn't know what to do. She wished he comes back. She wishes he comes back and apologizes because she cannot live without him. She asks me what she could do with a broken heart. I do not answer her.

         I cannot answer her question because I myself wish to know the answer. Because I am in love with Serene, and Serene is in love with another man.


Wrote this last minute so it's not the best-


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