An Argument Over The Past

Start from the beginning

  Michael's eyes - however - shifted to shock, almost growing wider than dinner plates as the two remained frozen in their own conflicted bubbles, neither being more damning than the other. 'Is he serious...?' 'Why would he feel like doing that?' 'I don't deserve this...' 'What about C.C, or Eli...?' 'They would deserve this better than anyone, not me...!' Michael worriedly thought before taking a sharp breath, slightly alarming the man before him. "I'm sorry - Enn - but I couldn't." Michael dejectedly muttered, a lump growing in his chest as Ennard's eyes practically grew in hurt. Although, Ennard hadn't seemed too quick to back down, a minor glare soon rising. "Well, why not...?" Ennard cautiously asked, a darker look soon glooming his vitiligo features. 'Why is he getting upset...?' Michael - just as cautiously - thought, gently clutching onto Ennard's shoulder to keep both above water. "Enn, I know I wouldn't deserve the second chance; I've done too much wrong in my Life to earn such a gift like that..." Michael mildly croaked, his voice sounding almost defeated in the warm kitchen. However, Ennard's features changed to a hard glare, his hetero-colored eyes quickly flashing a dangerous hue. "Why the hell would you think that, Michael? I've done wrong shit - too - but you've seen me in this form since then! What's so different about that?" Ennard upsettably spoke, hearing his voice rise slightly towards the end as a rush of anger soon poured in. Michael seemed taken aback, though quickly regained his agitation as he had when they first lived together, seemingly unchanged at the moment. "What you did was minor compared to what I've done, Ennard. Even then, you never had to act the way I did, and I only did that - mainly because - I had daddy issues that were out of my control!" Michael quickly called, unknowingly moving his arms to his chest with a slight glare. Ennard rose an angered brow, though he hadn't let up on the discussion prior. "So what? I didn't even think of giving you a chance to leave without me, and here we are! I killed you before forcing you to take me home with you, just because I never wanted to stay in that god awful dungeon anymore!" Ennard hatefully called, feeling his chest tighten from his boiling anger towards the memory. Michael angrily grunted, seemingly reminded of a much bitter memory than before, though Ennard couldn't focus enough to figure out what. "Well, at least you got something good out of it!" Michael sharply yelped, his voice sounding higher than just moments before, though Ennard seemed so close to getting his answers, unbeknownst to him. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?! I killed you for it!" Ennard hurtfully shouted, pain shooting through his sides as the two continuously fought, neither seeming ready to back down. "I deserved it!" Michael bitterly howled, feeling himself tremble with his voice as they stayed chest to chest, neither moving from their hostile position. "How? Why?!" "I killed my brother, Ennard!" Michael sorrowfully screamed, finally allowing the held-back tears to pour from his bloody eyes as the two froze in each other's gaze. "I killed my brother..." Michael tearfully muttered, a whimper escaping his trembling lips as Ennard hadn't recovered yet.

  Ennard's hetero-colored eyes widened, his fingers barely twitching as his mind came to a sudden halt, nearly forgetting how their argument even began - let alone that there was one. 'He what...?' 'What happened...?' Ennard numbly thought, though memories of their first official argument soon rose to light, forcing him to slowly connect the dots. 'He had "daddy issues" growing up...' 'Maybe he treated his brother poorly because of that...?' Ennard quizzically thought, though he could only sigh before holding Michael close to him, causing the shorter of the two to softly gasp in the taller male's chest. 'God, why is he so confusing...?' Ennard thought again before rubbing soothing circles into Michael's back, feeling the small gap tingle before relaxing. "Michael, it's been a long time since then; Even longer than what happened to you. I'm sure they already forgave you..." Ennard carefully cooed, his - barely audible - voice soothingly echoing in Michael's warm ear. Michael hiccupped before the tears came quicker than before, carefully plopping his head into Ennard's hard chest for comfort. "But, I don't forgive myself..." Michael tearfully admitted, only able to sob into the taller male's chest as they remained in the kitchen. 'Michael...' Ennard worriedly thought, carefully nibbling his lip as he continued to pet the purple male in front of him. "I know... I don't forgive myself, either..." Ennard quietly replied, earning a small whimper from Michael's dry throat. Looking up, Michael blinked away a strand of tears before Ennard wiped them away, being careful not to damage any more of Michael's rotting flesh. "W-what do you mean, Ennard...?" Michael curiously asked, tears still staining his cheeks as Ennard continued to wipe them away. Ennard carefully took a deep breath, tiredly sighing as he nuzzled Michael's damaged head with his. "Michael - you may have forgiven me for hurting you - but I never forgave myself for it. I hadn't realized what I - truly - wanted, until I knew it was too late, the longer I spent time with you..." Ennard truthfully spoke, gently looking into Michael's teary Deep Blues as the shorter remained silent, seemingly unable to form words as the two stayed together. 'He feels the same way I do...?' 'But, I already forgave him...' Michael warily thought before biting his sore cheek, having realized the irony in the room. 'I see what he means, now...' Michael coolly thought before softly sighing, gingerly cupping Ennard's soft cheeks. Looking into each others' eyes, neither could see the anger they shared just moments prior, bringing a warm smile to Michael's tear-stained face as Ennard rose a sharp brow. "... We have serious issues." Michael coolly spoke, feeling Ennard's hands slowly halt on the shorter's back as they continued their - now soft - stare. Ennard huffed before chuckling, letting the sound drown out the - almost barren - room around them. "Yeah, we do. Although," Ennard gently began, holding Michael as closely to him as the taller of the two could. Michael continued to look up as his chin laid on Ennard's chest, though neither seemed to mind as Ennard smiled back. "I would like to resolve my issues with you, if you don't mind..." Ennard softly cooed, feeling waves of electricity shoot through Michael's body, which grew warmer from the tone.

  Michael's smile grew wider, carefully nodding before he pecked his lips onto Ennard's, both feeling a new wave of shock and excitement as they remained together.  Ennard gently rubbed Michael's back again, feeling the male flinch in his grasp. Though - that changed - once Michael gently nibbled Ennard's lip as the two kissed, seemingly asking for more than their current position. Ennard chuckled in the kiss, slowly parting his lips as he explored Michael's tender mouth, which tasted - rather - fruity to him. 'This feels so incredible...' 'Why haven't I asked for this kiss before...?' Ennard earnestly thought, slowly sliding his hands towards Michael's waist as Michael gently licked Ennard's tongue, neither feeling the need to move away. 'I wish he was with me growing up...' 'Maybe I wouldn't have lost everyone...' Michael fondly thought before Ennard squeezed the shorter male's sides, causing Michael to grunt in the kiss. 'I - really - wish he was with me then...!' Michael thought again as he lightly nibbled on Ennard's tongue, feeling the taller male slowly suck on Michael's. Unexpectedly, Ennard had begun to purr, surprising the two from their loving kiss. Finally parting, the two gasped for needed air, though neither knew if the shorter of the two needed to do that anymore. 'That was amazing...' Michael warmly thought as he laid his head on Ennard's chest once more, feeling the ecstatic pulse within slowly calm down from their time before. 'I would love to do this more, but I don't want him to feel bad about the scooping anymore...' Michael fondly thought before he remembered what started their argument, causing the purple male to look up. Ennard had a warm smile, keeping his hetero-colored eyes closed as he nuzzled into Michael more. Michael gently smiled, slowly tracing Ennard's chest with his thumb, only causing the taller male to barely open an eye. "You know," Michael softly began, watching Ennard open both eyes with a small smile, neither wanting to frown anymore. 'I know what I want, now...' Michael generously thought before he bit Ennard's chin, hearing the taller male squeak to the sudden pinch. Michael lightly chuckled before rubbing his head on Ennard's chest, only to hear a huff as Michael looked up again. "I wouldn't mind being able to do the things I used to, if you still want to make me a new body and stay with me..." Michael soothingly spoke, watching Ennard raise a sharp brow. 'He's okay with it, now...?' 'He'll want to stay with me...?' Ennard curiously thought, feeling waves of relief and other emotions shoot through his veins as a smirk quickly plastered his face, giving Michael the reassurance both needed. 'So be it, Michael.' Ennard longingly thought before the two kissed again, letting their quiet kitchen be filled with their loving moans for one another.

  {My God, it was a pain to write that kiss scene; Mainly due to me never writing it like that before! Seriously, everyone else makes it look easy to write... Then again, I did throw up during a kiss scene before, but that was when I was sick a few years ago, so I don't - really - know what I'm doing anymore. We're almost done with this story, though! :3 Have a good Day/Night! Shadamy and Nemo, Glitching Out! :3}

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