1. Training

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Faye's POV

Hi, I'm Faye and 23 years of age. Currently playing at Manchester United as a RM, I couldn't dream of playing anywhere else personally. I'm a United fan born and bread you could say. I'd say I get along well with Ella Toone and Alessia Russo, we went through the age groups together so guess you could say they didn't have much choice.

I live alone with my chihuahua Lola. She doesn't live much up-to her breed tho, there's no yappy ankle bitting traits to her. She's just content with life and loves her humans around her I guess.

My love life consists of one night stands and a little spoon and affection from Emily every now and again. Emily is a lovely blonde, bright eyed florist she's pretty hot, but she's just a good cuddle when I'm needy. I don't see myself developing romantic feelings for her. She knows this but she just thinks I've just got some sturdy walls up, I agree to some extent of course I want to protect myself but I don't see myself falling for Emily.

Well that's a little about me

Today is a pretty easy day, I've just got training and then a free afternoon. I love days like these I must say. I've got my training gear on and grabbing a banana on my way out the door.

Parking up at training I heard tap on the window, as I turned I saw a grinning Millie Turner with a giggling Ella and Alessia behind her like there her minions or something.

"Yo yo" Millie shouted as I got out and some say it's Ella that's the one always shouting, I disagree there's two her an Millie.

"Hey, you all alright?"I asked, looking at them all with a smile.

"All good, how did you spend your day off then?" Ella asked smirking.

"Went out on Monday night so I spent mine hungover pretty much the whole day" I answered

"Oh yeh, have anyone to accompany you on your hangover Faye?" Millie asked with her head to the side slightly.

I giggled "I see how it is ganging up on me now are we?" I laughed "and if you must know, yes I had 'company' yesterday but that's none of yous lots business" I said rolling my eyes at them.

"So when are you an Emily gunna make it official then?" Alessia asked curiously.

"I told you, I don't like Emily like that she's just a friend" I said with a stern tone, as the amount of times I've had to clarify this it's annoying.

"A friend" Ella said while laughing.

I rolled my eyes and just ignored the comment, all this interrogating meant were already at the changing room.


Training went well, it was intense but it passed smoothly and was a good laugh as always.

I was sat on my sofa making the most of my free afternoon watching some Netflix when I heard my phone go off. I picked my phone to read 'No caller ID'. I was gonna just decline but I thought fuck it I'll get on some frauds nerves. So I answered it.

"Good afternoon, is this Faye Hilton?"

"It is, who's this?" I questioned fraud company's won't know my name unless they've hacked something already.

"It's Sarina the England manager" I froze, no words exit my mouth. "I'd love for you to play a big role in the squad for the Euros" she said enthusiastically.

"Me?" I questioned is all that I could manage to get out.

"Yes Faye, the spots yours if you would like it" sarina said.

"Of course, I would love it thank you" I answered with a breath leaving, one that I didn't know I was holding.

"Your welcome Faye, see you at camp" she said and ended the call.

I just sat there unable to comprehend the fact I just got my first call up. I am already filled with excitement I really wasn't expecting it.


A new story I don't know how I feel about it yet. Do you like it? For the first chapter I just wanted to allow you to get to know Faye a little bit and of course the happy ending.

Thank you for reading, please leave any recommendations in comments or just message me.

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