"Well if we are ready can we go now?" I mutter knowing full and well this is going to be a shit show.

"It's time to go." Shikamaru states as we stand in front of the village.

"Alright! Let's get going everybody! Follow me!" Naruto shouts fist pumping the air.

"Hey Naruto, Mayumi and I are supposed to be the squad leader, even though it sure it a drag." Shikamaru states.

"You really think you're the best person to lead us?" Naruto mocks. "I mean." I slap him up the side of the head.

"Shut up Naruto. Shikamaru is perfectly capable of leading this squad. He's more qualified than any of us."

"Then why are you going?" Kiba asks walking up to me with his arms crossed I feel rather offended right now.

"Because you guys don't understand who you are dealing with. You guys also have to remember, I've been on more S-rank missions than you all have combined. I'm the hardest ninja in this group. While I may make irrational decisions it's all in or nothing for me. Where as Shikamaru has the brains to decide if I need to make a move before anyone else or not."

"She's right." Neji agrees. "so are we going to come up with a plan?"

"Well for starters this is a rescue mission so we will be in the position of pursuit." Shikamaru says stepping forward. "Which mean the enemy already has the advantage over us. With that said I'm arranging us on a deployment formation. If you all don't follow my exact orders... we're all going to die." Everyone stiffens at Shikamaru's comment except me who's smiling.

"So we will go in a single file formation. First of all the all-important spreadhead will be Kiba, with your sensitive nose of yours and Akamaru's you can track down Sauske and see if we can find any booby-traps. Second in line will be me, from that position I can give my orders as required in any situation. In the middle is Naruto. You are more capable of responding immediately in the front or back. Next is Choji. You don't have speed but you have the best ability to strike is the best among the squad. Last is Neji, I want you to keep a look out of any trouble ahead of us."

"I got it, but what about Mayumi?" Naruto says as everyone turns to me as I shift my feet under their gaze.

"Don't worry about it."

"Now if there are no questions, there is one more thing I think both Mayumi and I agree on. We both don't like Sauske, never have. But he is a Shinobi of this village." Shikamaru says looking at me.

I pick up from where he left off. "He is a comrade, we never got a long, but we both are going to put our lives in the line for him." I pause and look at the squad. "And for you guys. Your lives are in our hands."

"Wow, I never thought I'd see the day where the both of you acting like. Chunin. Very impressive." Kiba comments.

"Okay, as soon as we show him our gear we'll go." Neji states.

We all show each other our weapons, summoning scrolls, kunai, ninja stars, pills, explosive tags.

I smile at Kiba and my team putting a hand on Shikamaru's shoulder and nod my head. "Let's do this." I smile.

"Wait!" We all stop and turn to see Sakura standing there.

"Lady Tsunade told us everything as did Mayumi, I'm sorry Sakura I can't take you on this mission." Shikamaru states. "I know you tried, but even you couldn't convince Sauske to come back."

"All we can do is find him and force him to come back to the village, I'm sorry Sakura there is nothing more you can do for him." I step closer to Sakura giving the pink haired girl a small smile before hugging her. "I will do my best to bring him back." I say softly letting her go and walking back to the squad.

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