27. Split || Marvin the Magnificent

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(I don't actually know how I'm supposed to do a cross-section, so I'm doing this instead. It's close enough)

Marvin pulled against the ropes that kept him tied across the train tracks, his heart pounding in his chest as panic filled him. The tracks started vibrating underneath his back, and Marvin pulled harder, desperately trying to pull magic out of his hands. A few sparks appeared at his fingertips, immediately fizzling out. Marvin let out a short scream, pulling so hard blood dripped onto the ground from beneath the ropes on his wrists. Panic filled tears stung in his eyes, streaking down his cheeks, making tracks in the dirt that dusted his cheeks. The tracks were vibrating so hard now that it was hard to breathe, his whole body shaking from the force of the train that was tearing towards him, unaware of the fact that there was somebody stuck on the tracks. Marvin struggled as hard as he could, one of the ropes on his wrists snapping, freeing his hand. But it was too late. The train roared across the tracks where Marvin's torso used to be, splitting him in half. Blood exploded on the underside of the train and on the surrounding ground, smearing along the metal tracks, staining the front wheel of the train.

(Idk, I thought it was fun to write lol)

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