"What's happened sweet flower?" He tucks some hair behind her ear and tilts her chin up to see her tear-stained face. He grabs a few tissues from the box on the coffee table and gives them to her.

"I happened Uncle Freddie. Mum and dad told me they're having another baby and I got angry, said terrible things and made myself homeless."

"They kicked you out," He can't ever imagine John or Veronica would do such a thing.

"No, I left. Told them I didn't want to live there anymore, that I didn't want to be a Deacon. I didn't mean the last bit but I can't go back, I can't take back the hurt in their eyes when I said such horrible things and yet the teenage part of me doesn't want to take it back."

"Well, your not homeless, Lily. You're welcome to stay here as long as you like, but the rest is up to you to decide and sort, I will tell your dad where you are though so he knows your safe at least," He doesn't want to come between the father-daughter duo, but he won't kick Lilliana out.

"I don't know what to do with myself. I seem to get so angry and moody all the time when I'm in that house but once I leave it fades, I get upset and angry at myself."

"It's like fighting an internal battle," He can understand that, "Let's get you some dinner, I'm guessing you haven't eaten and then go to bed. In the morning, when you have a clearer head, you can decide what to do."


Lilliana refused to go home and stays at Freddie's for the next two days. Right now she is hiding in her room while her dad is downstairs. After a while, she sneaks downstairs, curiosity getting the better of her.

"Why won't she come home?" John sits with his head in his hands.

"I don't know Deaks, she won't talk to me about it either but I won't force her to go home. Clearly, something is going on perhaps by being here she'll be more willing to talk."

John won't force his daughter to come home either, she's still going to school with no problems so perhaps some time away from the house will help her, it doesn't mean he's not hurt by it, "I just don't understand," They used to be so close, "I thought she was happy at home, she gets on with her siblings well now and is even protective of them but the moment we told her Veronica is pregnant again it's like she blew a fuse."

Guilt settles in Lilliana's stomach. She's not angry about another sibling despite her outburst a few days ago, but she is worried because another sibling means another person Paul can add to the blackmail, another sibling she needs to protect.

Paul's making love sessions are now a monthly occurrence and she is terrified every time she's in a room with him. She's numb while he completes his activities on her, not enjoying any part of it but she does it to keep her family safe. She can't tell her dad that, she's too scared.

"You said the bad moods started before that though?"

"Yeah, it started the day after she got back from Clover's."

"Give Clover's parents a ring," Freddie states the obvious, "See if something happened."

When John leaves Freddie looks over his shoulder to the doorway, "You can come out now."

"How did you know I was there?" She hid behind the door the entire time.

"I heard you coming down the stairs sweet flower, now come here," He pats the sofa beside him, "You are going to tell me what's going on? I don't want to come between you and your dad."

"I can't tell you, Uncle Freddie."

"So there is something?" He knew there had to be something, "Why can't you tell me?"

"Because I'm too scared of what might happen if I do, I have to protect my family."

"Protect them?" Freddie does not like the sound of that, "If your protecting your family then that means your putting yourself in harm's way and that doesn't sit well with me. Talk to me."


The front door opens and Paul's voice interrupts, "Freddie?"

"In here," Freddie calls back then looks back at his niece but she's already got up to leave the room. He sighs, "We'll talk later Lily."

Paul frowns when he passes her in the door but doesn't say anything, "What's she doing here?"

"She ran away from home a few days ago after having a fight with John and is refusing to go home. She was going to tell me something but you sadly interrupted," He has no idea what telling Paul means for Lilliana.

He bites his tongue, "Oh I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault you had no idea."

In her room, Lilliana prays that Paul doesn't come upstairs but that pray is ignored when half an hour later he opens the door to her room and walks over to her, "Freddie told me you were about to tell him something before I came in. I hope it wasn't about our deal?"

"Of course not," She lies shaking in fear.

"DON'T LIE TO ME!" He slaps her across the face, "Your know what happened to Tiger, I can do it to other little Deacons too."

"I'm sorry," She cries, holding her cheek. He swiftly exits the room and she falls into her pillow crying, feeling trapped.

Jump ahead.

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