012. skipping

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❝why you RUSHING out

the DOOR?

let u go  ―Peach Tree Rascals

―――tuesday, 9:21, pipers pov.

i was waiting under the stairs for robin for 15 minutes, after 20 minutes i was about to get up and leave until i heard footsteps coming toward me, so i sat back under the stairs, expecting it to be robin, "the fuck took you so–" i looked up, and didn't see robin, but instead, vance, "the fuck are you doing here? where's robin?"

"how the fuck am i meant to know, dumb shit? this is the place i come to skip it's not like i expected you to be here." vance scoffed, walking in and sitting against the wall, his knees up to his chest and his head in his hands.

"the fuck is wrong with you, hopper?" i looked the moody boy up and down.

"fucking heather. she was pissing me off in math." he said, rubbing his forehead, "gave me the worst headache ever."

"math? you had math last period?"

"yeah, so what?"

"dont you sit next to robin? did he leave the class?"

"i just told you i had the worst headache ever, and you want to know that i had math last period?" he asked, looking up at me.

"just answer the damn question, hopper."

"yeah, i sit next to robin. he called heather an ugly whore, the only thing i heard from him that lesson, also the fuck happened to his knuckles?"

"moose happened, the racist bastard."

we both heard footsteps coming toward us, then saw robin walk under the stairs and freeze, "vance?" he said, in disbelief.

"what? why do you look like you've seen a fuckin ghost or some shit?" he said, looking behind him at the wall.

robin then turned to look at me, i shook my head at him, "why the fuck did it take you half an hour to get here?" he walked over to me, and sat down next to me.

"sorting out those fuckers that did shit to you, and they pissed off finn."

i looked down at his knuckles, and saw it taped over, "the fuck did you do?" i said, grabbing his hand and examining his knuckles, as vance scoffed.

"nothing! i told them not to fuck with you, thats all. anyway heather is so fucking annoying." robin leaned his head against the wall.

"yeah, moody bitch over there said." i replied, referring to vance.

"your being a bit fucking rude considering i didn't leave you to fucking bleed out."

"why didn't you?"

"cause it wasn't a fair fight, and i need you for the answers in english, dumb shit."

"but you're the one that–" vance threw a pencil at me.

"shut the fuck up, arellano."

robin looked in between the two of us like our ma did this morning, "i told you i didn't lie!"

"cállate, robin. Eres tan estúpido" i kicked robin in the leg.

"ow! the fuck was that for, perra!"

"don't know." i shrugged, smirking.

"you two are fucking freaks." vance said, resting his head on the wall behind him.

"why the fuck are you still here then?"

"no where else to go, heather can't follow me here, can she?"

"she also can't follow you into the boys restroom, so go there."

"nah it stinks of piss in there."

"you coming home today?" i turned to look at robin

"yeah, just gonna stop at the Grab N Go first, finn's coming to help me to math homework." 

"who the fuck is finn?" vance asked.

"finney blake? the kid that moose punched in the face last spring?"

"oh that kid, he's a pussy for not punching him back."

"what the fuck do you expect him to do? no one was there to help him, and moose is like twice the fucking size of him!" i moved to look over at vance.

"well, i mean robin did it, did he not?"

"robin has experience, finn doesn't."

"why the fuck did moose even have a problem with him? he's quiet as fuck."

"he gave moose answers for a test, and got him an F on purpose."

vance nodded, then leaned his head against the wall again and closed his eyes.

the bell went for 2nd period to end, and me and robin got up to go to our third period class, "you coming, hopper?"

"fuck no."

𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓, v. hopper ☑️Where stories live. Discover now