xl. the call & dream.

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sorry for not updating as much, ive been busy 🤷🏼‍♀️

remember to vote and comment 🫶🏼 !!


i dont turn around, but i heard what he said. he must think i wasn't listening. what if he dies thinking i didnt hear him? thinking i dont love him back? well, i mean, i dont know if i love him back. i think i do but--

"FUCK!" i hear a yell and a thud from behind me, forgetting finney is here.

i snap my head around to look at him, and slapping the metal door, but he slowly stops, and looks around, he looks mad, but his gaze softens when he sees me.

"piper?" finn says in disbelief, as if he hasn't seen me in years.

"finney." i smile and run over to him, wrapping my arms around him, he doesn't hesitate to join the hug. i melt in his arms, feeling safe.

"your here." he whispers, "your really here." he digs his head into my neck, melting in the hug too, enjoying it as much as i do.

we stay like this for awhile, not wanting to let go, until i feel his body stiffen.

i pull away slowly, finn looks around the room rapidly, "robin?" he quickly moves away from me and looks around the room quickly.

i dont have the heart to tell him. i cant tell him. how could i? i dont want to see him hurt, not now.

he runs into the other hallway, "finney.." i whisper, but he doesn't hear me.

i swallow the lump in my throat, and say his name louder, "finney!" i clear my throat, and he turns to look at me before going into the other part of the basement.

"what is it?" he hesitates before turning the corner, and turns around to face me.

"its-" i choke, the lump forming in my throat again, but this time i cant swallow it down.

"its what? piper." he backs away from the narrow hallway, and walks back over to me.

"robin." i swallow, "he's-"

"he's what? is he upstairs too? i could have found him, i could have helped him, i could have--"


"i could have saved him, we could have gotten out of here, right? and then you would be out of here too and--"


finney looks down at me, and sees the tears forming in my eyes, that i try my hardest to blink away. i need to be strong for him.

"robin... robin's gone, finn."


"hes gone." i take a breath, and blink the tears away.

"no." he denies.

"hes-" i sigh, "he killed himself. or- well thats what the grabber says- but i shouldn't trust him- because-" i rant on, not even realising the tears going down my cheek.

i wipe the tear from my cheek when i feel it, but its too late. im already crying, and once ive started, i cant stop.

i look up at finney, and see him staring at me in disbelief, he has tears forming in his eyes too.

he walks over to me and wraps his arms around me again, hugging me, not wanting to let me go. i cry into his chest, not wanting to let go either.

i sob, staining his white shirt with my tears, "finney.. he's- i cant do it-"

𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐄𝐂𝐓, v. hopper ☑️Where stories live. Discover now