A good King?

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A week after Otto Hightower's demise, Aemond and Rhea revelled in the thought that, for once in a very long time, they actually felt safe here in the Red Keep, there had been no more plotting, no more talk of death, just enjoyment as they settled back into the routine they had built during their first week as a married couple.

Rolling out of their bed, wrapping herself in a sheet, Rhea kissed her husband lovingly, a hand on his chest as she talked about a fond memory she had from their shared childhood. Aemond looked at her with a smile, his eyes creasing happily as she talked tranquilly. His eye ran over her half-covered body and, wickedly, he pulled off the sheet and laughed at the expression on her face.

"Aemond," she exclaimed, covering up and throwing a pillow at his face.

"I apologize, princess," he bowed his head, faking to be sorry and laughed wholeheartedly.

"You know," she said, plopping on the bed, "I actually quite enjoy being called that. I don't understand why you don't." She smiled.

Aemond propped himself up slightly on his forearms, a smile creeping on his face.

"I don't like it sometimes, other times, well...you know," he smirked as her face flushed with an adorable shade of red.

"I do know," she laughed, kissing him fondly.

"And I have been called that a lot, this week," he nudged her playfully.

Rhea looked away to hide the fact she was smiling. She felt happy, truly happy, which was a welcome change from the previous months. As they heard a light knock on their door, Rhea jumped on the bed and hid her naked body under the covers, Aemond laughing at the absurdity.

"We are married, my lady, I'm sure people must know what truly goes on behind closed doors," Aemond teased her. "Come in."

Marian entered the room, purposefully avoiding eye contact with them which caused Rhea to blush even more.

"See, she knows," she whispered in Aemond's ear and he smiled fondly.

"Princess, Prince Aemond," Marian started. "There is something I wish to-"

Seeing the girl's distressed expression, Rhea rose from her bed, still covered in her bedsheet, and, as she walked towards her handmaiden, Aegon strode in the room unannounced.

"Seven hells, don't you two ever get dressed any more," he exclaimed, an amused grin on his face.

"Don't you ever knock, Aegon?" Rhea interjected playfully.

The man laughed, throwing his brother's clothes at him. Aemond caught them, well, his face did, glared at his brother and put them on, rising from the bed.

"Well, I am the King," Aegon laughed childishly. "I sort of own this place, Rhea."

She smiled, the little shit, she thought, amused. Looking back at Marian's serious face, she remembered the girl was about to tell them something before Aegon interrupted them.

"What was it, Marian?" she asked, sliding behind her wooden screen and sliding one of her gowns on.

Her handmaiden helped her tie the corset in the back of her dress and looked in her eyes as she turned around. She gulped, her green eyes filled with a strange look.

"I came to tell you I would no longer be your Handmaiden, after today, princess," Marian announced to the surprise of the whole room. "I have come to resign my post. I will return to the North to be with my family."

Rhea's hands clasped Marian's, a sad look in her eyes. She was truly fond of the girl and she had hoped they would always be together in King's Landing.

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