"I know what you're going to say." Craig said as he kissed down Tweek's face to his jaw. "But-

"Can you say you love me?"

Craig's words died in his throat and he began to stutter. "Well... uh I-"

"You don't have to." Tweek sat up from where they were laying and looked down at the male. "But I want to feel loved, Craig."

Craig frowned and opened his mouth to speak.

"You're emotionally constipated." Tweek said with a pessimistic smile, he knew Craig couldn't say it, yet his chest still hurt from his inability to say it. "And I don't want forced feelings from you."

Craig sat up with Tweek and let his hand wander to find Tweek's, wanting some comfort during the slight roast. "Tweek, I... I love-"

"Craig, stop." Tweek squeezed the hand in his. "It's not just about the words. It's about the feelings and the actions."

Craig furrowed his brows. "I don't act like I... care about you?"

"No, but yes and..." Tweek pushed the blankets from him and started to gather his clothes, the heaviness of the topic starting to weigh on his chest. "It's a lot to talk about, Craig."

Craig frowned as he watched Tweek prepare to leave. "Then let's talk."

"I need to go." Tweek forced his legs through his jeans. "I have to wake up early and unload the new shipment tomorrow."


"Please stop being mad at me."

Tweek shook his head as he added whipped cream to the top of the drink he had finished making. "I'm not mad."

"Look it was just a kissing party game." Craig frowned as he watched Tweek slam a lid to the top of the drink. "Everyone was playing, it's not like I was wanting to kiss him."

Tweek shrugged and put down the drink with too much aggression and some of it spouted out the lid. "Sure seemed like it in that video I saw."

Craig followed Tweek as he started to wipe down the area he had just been working in. "I knew it! You are mad!"

"No, I'm not." Tweek threw his rag to the rag bin and walked out from behind the counter to the shops front door, giving a fake sweet smile to the customer who was leaving before dropping it to switch the sign from. 'open' to 'closed' on the storefronts door. "You can do whatever you want. It's not like we're dating."

Craig's body locked up and his stomach clenched at words. "Tweek."

"Can you get out now?" Tweek unraveled the knot of his apron and left it on one of the tables. "I have somewhere to be."

Craig raised a brow. "Where are you going that you're closing?"

"I have a date." Tweek said before ushering Craig out the door.

Craig scoffed in disbelief as he was pushed out the front of the shop, turning back to the male pushing at him. "A date? With who?"

"With Greg." Tweek locked the door once they were both in front, his steps quick as he walked to the door just feet away from the shops door. "He thought I should take the night off after having seen something as gross as you sticking your tongue down another guys throat."

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