It's cold out at this time of night, should have brought a jacket or something, I should head inside before I get sick

As I open the door I wonder what I did to deserve someone like Tari, she's too kind for someone like me, I thought she would hate me, just goes to show what I know

I walk towards my room, I hope Tari hasn't waken up, knowing my luck though she probably has

Tari: There you are! Where were you? I was worried!

Knew it, I have the worst luck

(Y/N): I can't sleep, I can't tell you why until tomorrow though, it's something everyone needs to know

Tari: is it serious?

(Y/N): It's very serious, a medical problem is all I'm gonna say

Tari: Medical problem? Like your sick?

(Y/N): Not exactly... It will have to wait until I can get everyone together

Tari: Alright... If you say so

I climb back into bed and so does Tari, I feel bad for her, she's gonna worry I know she will, but I don't want her too

This is gonna suck




Morning comes and I have to get everyone together, hopefully they won't all worry about it, PTSD Isn't that bad right?


Cut to everyone surrounding me asking if I'm ok because I had a meltdown

I thought I saw Sephiroth in the corner of the room, Im trying to calm down but it's hard

Tari: (Y/N) are you ok? What's wrong?

I can only mutter one word

(Y/N): Sephiroth!

It all makes sense to them now, at least that's what it looks like

Tari looks shocked while meggy and saiko know exactly what's going on

Meggy: He has untreated PTSD from when he got stabbed

Tari: he told me last night that he would tell us all what's going on but I didn't expect this to be how we found out!

Saiko: get him to the infirmary now!

I'm being rolled away to the infirmary, I feel bad, I am in full control of my thoughts but can't control my body, I wish I could tell them that I'm ok, but that would be a lie

Why now of all the times? I just wanted to tell them but instead they had to learn from experiencing a breakdown




It's been a few hours sense the breakdown, I regained control of my body, I can't move though, doctors orders

Tari's sitting next to me, she I insisted she stay with me Incase something happened

I just lay there in silence, I don't dare speak a word to her, it just feels awkward to do that

Tari: So what happened?

(Y/N): I'm sorry about that, I have PTSD, when I first got here and got shish-kabobed by Sephiroth? Yeah that caused me to develop PTSD

Tari: are you scared of dying... Or being unable to protect those you love if it happens again?

(Y/N): I don't fear death, death is natural, I'm more afraid that I'm going to die or be incapacitated and everyone around me will get hurt while I'm unable to do anything about it

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