(Y/N): Symbiote (Part 1)

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*(Y/N)'s POV*

I'm back in the void

Starting to wonder if this is a dream or I'm being transported somewhere whenever I sleep

But it doesn't matter unless it's a harmful environment

What to do, what to do

Honestly I have no idea what to do this time

Maybe I can change the place into a training environment for me to train with my powers

In a attempt to do just that I focus my mind on what I want it to look like

Somehow it works, a range of different types of people to test my powers on

But something isn't right, they look like regular people, not bad guys

I decide it's time to wake up, nothing is right about harming innocent people

But my hands move on their own and start blasting them, this isn't my doing!

I grab my arm with the other and try to stop it but it overpowers my other arm

Desperate I pinch myself to wake up and it works

But instead of waking up in my bed I'm on the middle of the street, there are people hurt, did I do that?

Delsin told me I could heal people with my powers

I do just that to try and fix things, when they get up they start running away from me

What the hell is happening? What was controlling me?

I need to heal the rest of the civilians and get back to the castle to figure this out

With that said and done I make my way back to the castle

I'm not expecting a warm welcome honestly with what I've been controlled into doing

But what I get instead is a worried Delsin at the front door

(Y/N): Hey Delsin, I'm assuming you already know sense your not punching me in the face that I was being controlled?

Delsin: Yup, I know it wasn't you but I'm not entirely sure I can trust you, well I can but I'm not sure I can trust that the thing is still on you

(Y/N): what thing?

Delsin: Whatever it was that's controlling you

(Y/N): Right, probably best I stay away from the others then, Does everyone else know or just you?

Delsin: I kept this from everyone else, Especially Tari, I didn't want her acting reckless and get killed or hurt while you were under control

(Y/N): Thanks, I want to get this thing off me and be able to go back into the castle, it's cold out here

Delsin: I'll go get you some things to use to try and figure out what's going on

(Y/N): Thanks, I might have a suspicion as to what it is, bring me anything that can generate loud noises or fire

Delsin: Specific but alright, what do you think it is

(Y/N): this is gonna sound stupid but the first thing I thought was maybe it's a symbiote, like venom or something, even though spiderman is fiction it's worth a shot testing it

Delsin: That's fair, I'll go get the stuff you wanted

(Y/N): Thanks

*10 minutes later*

Delsin is back with some metal rods and gasoline and matches

Delsin: Here's what you need, I'm gonna put these rods around you and trap you there so you can't do anything, plus I can use them to generate sound, and some gasoline and matches for the fire

(Y/N): How are you gonna set the rods up? That will take alot of strength

Delsin: did you forget that I'm a conduit?

(Y/N): oh right, maybe I did maybe I didn't, that's for me to know and you to guess about

Delsin: Alright, let me set these up

About 3 minutes later he got done

(Y/N): Alright, now do it

Delsin without hesitation hits the poles with an extra metal pole

It shirt my ears but I can feel something on me trying to get away, it must be working


Delsin: Yes your shouting! And that's good!


Delsin sighs in frustration and tells me that the symbiote left my body and ran away

Once my hearing is back to normal I tell him we should chase it down and destroy it

Delsin: No, let it go, I don't want you risking it attaching back to you.

(Y/N): Fine, I could use some sleep anyway

I go back into the castle, somehow we didn't wake up anyone in the castle so I go to my room to lay in bed for a bit

*8 Hours Later*

I lazily get out of my bed and put on some clothes, hopefully everything will go better today then things did yesterday

Huh, Tari's already out of bed, infact no one is in the castle, weird

I find a note on the front door

"Dear (Y/N), sorry to leave you behind but we went to find that thing that took control of your body, hope you feel better soon"

Everyone signed it

I can't let them face it alone, I need to catch up before something bad happens to them

What were they even thinking? The only super powered people are me, Delsin and Fetch

Damnit they weren't think at all were they?

No matter I still need to catch up quick

Good thing I'm using neon right now I guess

It only takes me 30 seconds to catch up to them, there on a bus

Instead of making my presence known I decide to ride on top of the bus and follow them

How will they even find it? It could be anywhere by now

Delsin: *Muffled* I put a tracker on the symbiote so we can follow it, thankfully neither (Y/N) or the symbiote noticed

Guess there's my answer

This will take a while, guess it's time to play some games on my switch




A/N: Sorry for the short chapter guys, I wasn't able to think of a good idea in time before the deadline I set on the idea to fully expand upon the idea

Guess it's a 2 parter then?, I guess so

Hope you all looks forward to part 2

Cheers - Samual

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2022 ⏰

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