The Philosophers Stone: Part 6

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[Hazel and Hagrid continue walking down Diagon Alley]
Hazel: But, Hagrid, how am I to pay for all this? I haven't any money.

"You wish you didn't you just need to go collect it," James smirks

Hagrid: Well, there's your money, Hazel. [he points to a tall, white, marble building, Gringotts Bank] Gringotts, the Wizard Bank. T'aint no place safer, 'cept perhaps Hogwarts.

The future generation all rolls their eyes.
"Safe my ass," Hazel mutters
"Ms. Potter watch your language," McGonagall says
"I've heard worse Minne," Hazel says with a smirk that could rival James
"I'm going to retire," McGonagall mutters shaking her head.

[Inside the bank, they walk down the shiny aisle, passing tiny creatures working at their desks.]
Hazel: Uh, Hagrid, what exactly are these things?
Hagrid: They're goblins, Hazel. Clever as they come goblins, but not the most friendly of beasts. Best stick close to me. [Hazel sticks to him. Hagrid clears his throat as they approach a counter with a goblin, wearing spectacles and a waistcoat, in it.] Ms. Hazel Potter wishes to make a withdrawal.

"You look so scared of everything," Alice says sweetly.
Hazel shrugs, "It was all new to me."

[The goblin looks up.]
Goblin: And does Ms. Hazel Potter have her key?
Hagrid: Oh. Wait a minute. Got it here somewhere. Hah. There's the little devil. [Whispers] Oh, and there's something else as well. [Takes out a letter wrapped in a string.] Professor Dumbledore gave me this. [Hagrid hands the Goblin the letter.] It's about you-know-what in vault you-know-which.

"NO YOU DON'T DO THAT!" Ron shouts
"Why not?" Lily asks
"Well when you say something in front of Hazel something that she's not supposed to repeat, she gets curious and then it leads us to be in a dangerous situation," Hermione explains. Lily get's worried knowing that and now knowing shes going to freak out many times.

Goblin: Very well.
[Later, they race down the depth caverns in a cartlike structure. The cart stops, a goblin called Griphook, clambers out.]
Griphook: Vault 687. Lamp, please. [Hagrid hands him the lamp and he walks to the vault] Key please.
[Hagrid hands him the key and Griphook unlocks the vault. The room is filled nearly top to bottom with coins. Hazel is amazed.]

The Potters look smug as everyone looks in awe in how much they have. James smirks at his friends and Remus wacks him on the back of the head.

Hagrid: Didn't think your mum and dad would leave you with nothing now, did ya?

"Well I didn't even know who they truly where so yeah, I also thought Vernon would have taken all the money," Hazel says with a shrug.

[They continue on through the cavern.]
Griphook: Vault 713.
Hazel: What's in there, Hagrid?
Hagrid: Can't tell you, Hazel. It's Hogwarts business. Very secret.

"And thats where it all started for the year," Fred and George say together annoying Hazel.

Griphook: Stand back. [Slides finger down the door. The vault opens to reveal a small white stone package. Hagrid enters the vault and scoops it up. The eerie light it was shining with disappears.]

"Well that was anti climatic," Regulus rolls his eyes.

Hagrid: Best not mention this to anyone, Hazel.
[Hazel nods in agreement]

"Am I going to have a heart attack in the first movie?" James asks sarcastically
"Yes." Hazel, Ron, and Hermione all say.

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