The Chamber of Secrets: Part 21

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[As the door slowly closes behind him, Hazel climbs down the ladder and walks down the corridor. Looking ahead, she sees Ginny lying motionless at the end of the Chamber. She is clutching Tom Riddle's diary.]

"GINNY!" Molly screams out in shock.
Fred, George, and Ron stare at the screen in shock. Hazel never talked about what she saw and they are both mad  that she didn't tell them what their sister looked like, but also glad she didn't say anything. Arthur is trying to calm down Molly, while Ginny just looks down at her shoes for a moment before only looking back at the screen.

Hazel: Ginny. [runs to her, drops her wand and gets on her knees] Ginny. No, Ginny. Please don't be dead. Wake up. Wake up! Please wake up.

"Never drop your wand in an unfamiliar location," Sirius says thoughtfully, thinking something was going to go wrong.
"CONSTANT VIGILANCE!" Moody shouted.

[Suddenly, Tom Riddle walks out of a nearby doorway.]
Riddle: She won't wake.
[Hazel recognizes his voice and turns toward him. Riddle walks to her.]
Hazel: Tom? Tom Riddle? What do you mean she won't wake? She's not...?
Riddle: She's still alive, but only just.

"Please tell me he isn't killing her," Molly mutters, Hazel and Ginny stay silent making Molly know the answer. She chokes out a sob digging her head into Arthur's shoulder as he rubs her back. Little Bill and Little Charlie hug their mother not really knowing what was going on.

Hazel: Are you a ghost?

"Ghost or not, he still is hot," Marlene and Alice say together. Frank looks at Alice in shock.

Riddle: A memory, preserved in a diary for fifty years.

"How is that possible?" Remus asks.
"You'll find out later," Hazel says, shrugging her shoulders.

Hazel: [reaches out and touches Ginny] She's as cold as ice. Ginny, please don't be dead. Wake up. [while Hazel's not looking, Riddle bends down and picks up Hazel's wand from where she left it] You've got to help me, Tom. There's a Basilisk.

"Why did he take your wand?" James asks suspiciously, not liking how close that man was to his daughter.
"Because he wants to, duh," Barty responds, laughing at  his own joke.

Riddle: It won't come until it's called.

"And how would you know that?" Cedric says, raising an eyebrow.

Hazel: [looks up to see Riddle holding her wand and stands up] Give me my wand, Tom.

"Hey that rhymed! Hazel you could be a rapper!" Colin exclaims.

Riddle: You won't be needing it.
Hazel: Listen, we've got to go.  We've got to save her!
Riddle: I'm afraid I can't do that, Hazel. You see, as poor Ginny grows weaker, I grow stronger. [Hazel looks at him, confused] Yes, Hazel. It was Ginny Weasley who opened the Chamber of Secrets. [Ginny is shown standing in front of the sink in Moaning Myrtle's bathroom as it opens]

"No.. it couldn't have been here..." Molly says through her tears.
"I wouldn't open it if I had a choice," Ginny responds rolling her eyes

Riddle: Because I told her to. You'll find I can be very persuasive. Not that she knew what she was doing. She was, shall we say, in a kind of trance.

"HE HAD CONTROL OF MY DAUGHTER?!" Molly screams out.

[as Ginny is shown running into a stall and throwing the diary into the toilet]
Riddle: Still, the power of the diary began to scare her. And she tried to dispose of it in the girls' bathroom. And then, who should find it but you? The very person I was most anxious to meet.

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