Chapter Two

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They had now pulled up to the hospital, for Nicki's appointment, when they got out they tried to hurry up, as the paparazzi had been following them. So drake grabbed Nicki's hand, whilst she covered her face, from the flashes.

Like Nicki isn't too bothered about the paparazzi, but there's a thing taking it too far. For instance once before Nicki was out food shopping, and when she came home she realised they had followed her home. She wasn't too happy, as she had to call the police because they wasn't leaving and she was on her own. On the other hand drake is used to it, as anywhere he goes they follow him, and every single day he becoming even more famous, so needs to get used to it.

When they got inside Nicki checked in, and then they waited for her name to appear on the screen. After 10 minutes her name popped up so she headed to room 6, she was greeted by her doctor Mr franks.

Mr franks: hello Nicki how you doing, he shook her hand

Nicki: I'm good thanks, my feet just hurt a little bit

Mr franks: that's normal for a pregnant lady don't worry, I'll give you some cream for it

Nicki: okay thanks doctor

Mr franks: alright so do you mind just jumping on the bed for me, so I can just check up on the baby and stuff

He grabbed some gloves on the side and put them on, whilst Nicki laid on the bed, she slightly lifted her jumper, then Franks put some cold gel on her belly. He then turned the screen on and moved the machine around on her belly to find the baby.

Mr franks: so as you can see the baby is facing to the left

Nicki: omg can you see it drake she grabbed his hand

Drake: yeah I can baby

Mr franks: so do you want to know the gender today, or do you want it to be a surprise?

Nicki: can we found out today please

Mr franks: yeah sure

He moved the machine more down to see if it was a girl or boy.

Mr franks: I'm happy to tell you that it's a boy congratulations

Nicki: really? I would of been happy either way, But I bet someone else is chuffed

She looked over to drake who was smiling at her

Drake: dam I knew he was going to be daddy's boy

Mr franks had now turned the machine off and gave Nicki some paper towels to clean the gel off her belly.

On the way home, drake was thinking about shopping for the baby. As once before Nicki was up for it but sadly drake didn't have anytime as he was too busy in the studio.

Drake: want to clothes shopping for the baby?

Nicki: really what now? She got excited

Drake: yeah of course we can go now, anything for you Nicki

Nicki was really happy that drake was making an effort to take her places and stuff. She had to admit lately he's been really caring about her, which she really loved.

When they got there drake told her to quickly go inside, whilst he grabs a trolley from outside, as there was a crowd of paparazzi. They went through most aisles, browsing at the clothes, Nicki wasn't going to over spend. Even thought drake told her she can get whatever she wants as it for the baby.

Nicki: omg what about this tshirt look what is says 'daddy's boy' she held it up

Drake: okay we've defo got to get that, he chucked

Nicki: okay haha

She placed it in the trolley and they carried on shopping

Drake: so have you thought of any names yet for the baby

Nicki: no not really, I was thinking but not sure yet

Drake: oh okay well you have time still do you don't need to rush it

They were now heading to the checkout till's, they had bought some cute little t-shirts, a fluffy brown bunny gown, some socks and a set of 3 milk bottles. They decided that they were going to get the rest another day as Nicki started to feel quite tired.

On the way out drake bumped into a fan, she seemed like she was about 14 years old. She was half cast and had really curly black hair, she also seemed really shocked to meet drake

Fan: omg your drake! I love your music so much, do you mind if I can get a quick photo, she exclaimed

Drake: thank you, it's means a lot to me and sure

The girl handed her phone to Nicki and drake stood beside the girl with his arm wrapped around her waist.

Nicki: here you go ladybug

She gave her phone back to the fan

Fan: by the way Nicki is so beautiful, your so lucky to have her drake

She whispered to drake, making sure Nicki didn't hear

Drake: aw I know thanks

Nicki: are you ready to go now aubs, I don't want to sound like a moody cow but my feet are fucking killing me

Drake: yeah okay let's go

Fan: it was nice meeting you drake, keep up the good work!

Drake: you too and will do

He yelled back as they walked towards the car, drake unlocked the car and Nicki sat in the passenger seat. Letting drake load all the bags in the boot, Nicki was just doing up her seatbelt, when her phone starting ringing. When she saw Chyna as the caller ID she quickly answered it.

Chyna: hello boo!

Nicki: hey Chyna, it's like I haven't spoke to you in ages

Chyna: I know right, anyways how's you, drake and the baby

Nicki: we're good thanks, we found out today that I'm having a boy!

Chyna: omg really congrats girl!

Nicki: thank you, I'm really excited now

Chyna: aww I'm happy for you, but the reason why I rang you was because I wanted ask you if, you and drake want to come round ours for dinner tonight

Nicki: erm yeah sure, were free and I would like to see your new house! And I'm sure drake don't mind catching up with Jonny

Chyna: alright so I guess I'll see you in a bit hun

Nicki: okay byee Chyna

She ended the call, then realised drake had come in the car.

Drake: who was that, he asked her

Nicki: it was Chyna were going there tonight for dinner, they've invited us

Drake: oh really, it should be a good night then because haven't seen Jonny is ages

Nicki: same I haven't seen Chyna in 2 weeks now

Aw it's a boy👶🏽
Probs update on Friday now sorry
Love Sim❤️

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