Chapter 17-Inconvenience

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You stood beside the children as Alma said goodbye to Miss Cuckoo and Miss Wren, who had both been much help in the time they stayed. They'd been kind and helped with chores when they could. When Alma was done a few of the children rushed forward to hug the two women. You hadn't really spoken to them much so you didn't bother saying goodbye, just sticking around because you had nothing better to do.

And then Miss Cuckoo pulled you aside. "You don't know me very well and I do hope that I'm not overstepping with this. But it's clear, to me at least, that you have feelings for Alma. And she no doubt has similar feelings towards you. She's a dear friend of mine, and I ask that you don't hurt her." She paused for a moment, looking around to make sure no one could hear her, but they were all talking to Miss Wren. "Or else I'll have to hunt you down, and murder you."

"I don't intent to bring any harm to her whatsoever. No need for murder." You took a couple steps away from her and she grinned at the action. "I think Miss Wren is waiting for you.." You slowly backed away from her to make sure that she was done talking and when you didn't continue you turned away from her and walked off.

You went back inside the house and sat down on a couch in the parlor. You decided to read for a bit, taking a rather large book in your hands. Soon everyone else came back in as well and went about business as usual.


You hadn't been reading more than an hour when you heard a loud crash from the hallway. You got up to see what the noise was, though you weren't really prepared for it when you stepped into the hall. There were three wights there, a male with hair so blonde it could be considered white and knocked the door right off its hinges and now stood on top of it. Two women stepped into the hall behind him, all of their eyes were locked on you.

You heard footsteps coming from the stairs and the click of heels, no doubt Alma and the children coming to see what all the ruckus was. If you let the wights see them they'd be put in danger. They hadn't made a move and neither had you, you stood staring at each other, both sides waiting for the other to make the first move.

You decided that you had to move first, to catch them off guard. You threw the heavy book that was still in your hands at the man, hitting him in the head. As soon as the book left you you ran into the kitchen, which was thankfully closer to you than them. You dig into one of the cabinets and pulled out multiple knifes.

The two women came running in first, the man was right behind them, though he walked slowly with his hand rubbing his head. One woman with black curly hair ran at you, probably intending to use whatever her peculiarity was on you. So instead you used yours on her. She stopped right in her tracks, frozen and stiff, much to the confusion of the other two. You took one of your knifes and slit her throat as you walked by and then released your hold on her.

You could only control one person at a time, otherwise you probably wouldn't have run away at first. The other woman, a brunette that had her hair in a tight bun, though now had multiple flyaways screamed at you. "You killed my sister!"

"Well I didn't mean to kill. Only mime or seriously injure." You shrugged and said nonchalantly.

The man who'd been trying to sneak behind you suddenly stopped moving. You'd noticed him of course and had taken control of him. You threw a knife at him, of which stabbed into his left eye. The other eye widened and he was in immense pain but could do nothing about it.

Suddenly hands grabbed at the woman's throat and pulled her back. You were careful to keep an eye on the still frozen man as you watched as Alma pulled her onto the ground, placing a heeled foot on her stomach to prevent her from getting up and pointing a crossbow at her throat.

You had the man pull the knife from his eye, blood dripping down his face much faster now. He moved the knife down and plunged it into his own heart. You felt your control of him cease as he fell to the ground. You walked over to Alma, who had yet to kill the woman her crossbow was pointed at. She didn't tear her eyes away from the brunette as you wrapped an arm around her waist.

She shot the wight and discarded the crossbow before turning to you. "Are you alright?" She lifted a hand to your chin, moving your face to the side to check for injuries.

"I'm great." You replied with a tone much to happy for what had just happened. "I got to use my favorite weapon, a book." You laughed when Alma gave you a sour look. "What? I thought it was funny."

"Books are for reading, not attempting murder."

"I'd like to point out that they were clearly here to kill us all."

"You handled it well." She said, letting go of you to pick up her crossbow. "I'll get Enoch to dispose of them. I'm sure he'll find it great fun."


I'm running out of ideas if you can't tell lmao

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