Chapter 14-Siblings

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Bronwyn laid dead on a bed right beside her brother. A woman you'd never met before, and assumed to be Miss Wren, stood in one corner hugging Alma, who was crying into the other woman's chest. Miss Wren was trying her best to comfort the other ymbryne. Miss Cuckoo walked in behind you and walked over to the two. Putting a hand on Alma's shoulder and whispering something to her. Alma's head snapped up and she looked quickly around the room before her eyes landed on you. She detached herself from the older ymbryne and rushed over to you, pulling you into a hug instead.

"You're back, oh thank the birds you're back." Her grip on you was right and you couldn't escape it if you wanted to. You wrapped your arms around her in return and let her cry into you as you held her. Looking around the room you saw Claire being hugged by the twins. Olive was whispering calming words to them, though all of them were crying. Enoch wasn't crying but his arms were crossed and he stood in a corner looking at the floor. Emma was hugging Horace, who's face you couldn't see as it was buried in her shoulder. Hugh and Fiona were nothing crying and holding each other. And you couldn't see Millard but you assumed he was here and in a similar state as the others. Miss Wren and Miss Cuckoo had now linked arms and were whispering to each other.

"I'm so sorry.. I'm so sorry..." You whispered to Alma as you rubbed her back in an attempt to calm her. She shook her head and pulled away from you, grabbing your hand and dragging you out of the room. She didn't say anything until the door to her room shut behind you.

"Why did you leave me? Do you realize how worried I was? I thought the wights had killed you too! A-and then Isabel came back to tell me you'd be returning, but I wasn't so sure." You gave her a confused look, unsure of who Isabel was. "Miss Cuckoo." She corrected.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have... I'm so sorry Alma." You shook your head and hugged yourself.

"I didn't even get to talk to you... to- to tell you.." You glanced at her, waiting for her to continue. "God damnit Y/n, I love you!"

You shook your head and held yourself tighter. "You're just saying that so I won't leave again."

She groaned and took a few quick steps over to you, grabbed you by the shirt collar, and of all things, kissed you. "Do you fucking believe me now?" She asked against your lips, letting out the second uncharacteristic curse word of the night. You were at a loss for words so instead you replied by pulling her closer to you. When she pulled away from your lips she didn't let go of you, instead holding you in a tight hug so you couldn't escape her grasp. "Don't you ever leave me again. Please."

You looked down to find she was once again crying. "I won't leave, I'm so sorry Alma." You wrapped your arms tighter around her in an attempt to hold her closer, but that wasn't really possible at this point.

"Stop apologizing, it's getting old." She muttered against you.

"Right, sorry." She lifted her head to give you a pointed glare. "My bad.?" She rolled her eyes and laid her head back down.

"Good enough."


You soon found that Miss Cuckoo had temporarily taken residence in your room and Miss Wren was occupying the guest room. Leaving you to sleep with Alma in her room. Not like you were complaining though.

The children were glad to have you back. Throughout the day multiple people had come crying to you, and with good reason. Claire had approached you after being unable to find Miss Peregrine, sad about one of her best friends deaths. Eventually she cried herself out and fell asleep on your lap, so you brought her to her bad as best as you could without waking her up. Alma had to excuse herself from conversations multiple times due to her own feelings on the matter. She was probably sadder than anyone else you decided. She'd lost not one but two of her wards. And oddly enough it was only the siblings that died. At least one got to keep her eyes.

At some point while you were reading Fiona decided to sit next to you and lean on your shoulder, just to be in the quiet for a while. And you were more than happy to let her stay. You'd never been very close to Bronwyn, due to the giant age gap and you not being to fond of younger children, you didn't spend much time together. But she was a very sweet girl who you still cared deeply about, and even you ended up crying once or twice. Though you had a horrible headache afterwards. Typical.

Soon it was time for bed and everyone was more than happy to finally fall asleep and escape reality, except Horace who now feared his dreams would be filled with more wights coming as backup. Miss Peregrine reassured him repeatedly that there weren't even enough wights for that anymore, and if there were they wouldn't be trying to raid one of the more successful loops in all of peculiardom. She also mentioned that if any did appear she would do some very graphic things to them...

Finally you laid down next to Alma and tired to keep distance between you for her sake. But eventually she held out her arms for you to come closer so she could hold you. You did just that, not about to complain if the woman you were in love with wanted to cuddle.


Like brother like sister, huh?

Omg just kill me now- I'm sorry

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