Chapter 12-Leaving

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"Y/n..? Are you alright? I..." Alma paused and walked over to stand next to your bed where you'd hidden under the covers again. "I'm sorry I left... I shouldn't have, it was stupid."

"It's fine." Your voice was raspy and quiet. "But I'd like it if you'd leave again." She seemed to understand you wanted to be alone and walked back to the door.

"I'm so sorry. We'll speak later.." She said before leaving the room.

No, you would most definitely not be speaking later. You finally got up, just glad everyone had finally left. And you locked the door to keep it that way. You wouldn't have anymore visitors. You spent the next ten minutes packing some clothes, cash, and things with emotional value into a single suitcase. You picked up the group photo of everyone from the floor. You didn't look at Alma's face, unwilling to see her if only in a picture. You took the picture out of the frame and folded it up into your pocket.

You waited until everyone had gone inside then threw your suitcase out of the window and climbed down the house until you were at a safe hight to drop down. Once safely on the ground you grabbed your bag and started running. You wanted to put as much distance between you and the loop as possible before they noticed your absence. Someone would probably come try and talk you into coming down for dinner, in around twenty minutes, which is when the next ferry leaves. If you're lucky and they don't find you in time, you'd be able to escape to the mainland. You'd probably go back to live with your mothers.


"It's time for dinner Y/n." Alma knocked on your door. "Y/n?" She tried to open the door, finding it locked. "Open the door this instant!" She was growing worried as she continued knocking on the door. Eventually she gave up and got Bronwyn, who she made open the door for her. To her dismay you were no where to be found. She rushed downstairs back to the children who waited at the dinner table for her.

"Y/n is gone, I fear she's left the loop as many of her things are missing as well. You are to stay here as I go look for her. Olive is in charge." She turned to look at the redhead. "I expect you to run everything as I would. I'll be back for reset. Eat without me." She said before leaving, not allowing anyone to respond.

She flew around the entire island. Twice. Before leaving to check the ferry that had recently left.


You made it to the ferry with no problem. But then noticed a bird in the distance, you'd only been on the ferry ten minutes and Alma had found you. It was so obviously her, you'd recognize her bright blue feathers anywhere. Luckily there were others on the ferry so she couldn't change to talk to you. And when you get to the mainland you'd take the subway, it'd be easy to loose her, especially with crowds she's not used to. Plus she'd have to be back for reset soon.

You did just that, rushing into a crowd as soon as the ferry docked. You nearly ran to the subway tunnels and got on one that would bring you a few blocks away from your mothers house. Ten or so stops later you arrived. And walked the few blocks to your mothers house and knocked on the door.

A woman with bright red hair answered the door. "Y/n..?"

"Hi mama.." You looked around to avoid her eyes. "Sorry I've been gone so long... Where's mom?"

"Inside..." She said breathless, probably for a number of reasons. You'd been gone near five years now, with almost no word except the occasional letter to let your two mothers know you were alive and well. And they of course hadn't been expecting to see you, or for you to look exactly the same as you did all those years ago. You walked into the house, leaving your suitcase in the hall and walking to the kitchen where your mom liked to spend a lot of her time.

You waited in the doorway for her to notice you. When she looked up she was expecting her wife, not her child she hadn't seen in half a decade. "Y/n? Oh, my baby!" She ran over to you and gave you the biggest hug. "Where have you been? What's happened? Why are you back?" She asked rapid question while holding you by the shoulders and looking you over as if checking for injuries.

"I'm so sorry I've been gone. I missed you both. And would you mind if I stayed here a bit?"

"Of course you can stay here for as long as you like. We missed you, y'know." Mama entered the kitchen behind you and gave you a light punch on the shoulder. She'd never been one for physical touch, not that you minded, Mom gave you plenty of hugs anyway. "You mind telling us what happened to you?" She walked over to her wife who'd since let go of you and wrapped an arm loosely around her waist.

"It's.. a long story. Short version, I've been living with a woman and her children. I fell in love with her. She doesn't love me. And I got scared and ran away."

"Oh my... I'm so sorry darling." Mom rushed forward to hug you again. Even Mama joined the hug, unwilling to let you feel alone.

"I'm fine really. I could just use some sleep."

"Of course. Come and take your old room." Mom walked with you upstairs despite you knowing the way just fine on your own. "I'm so sorry about everything, hun. I hope you'll tell us more about where you've been tomorrow. For now, just rest. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Mom." She gave you a small smile and closed the door, leaving you alone. You were too tired to unpack anything and just kicked off your shoes and went to bed.


I couldn't stop myself from giving Y/n two moms

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