Chapter 15-Reckless

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It's only been a week. Miss Cuckoo and Miss Wren were still around and were due to leave in two days. Everyone's been coping in their own ways. And Millard has decided his way is to be reckless, more so than usual.

"You won't be able to make it all the way to the top." Enoch said to Millard as he braced himself to climb a large tree.

"Wanna bet?" Emma nudged him with her elbow and smiled at the invisible boy, who was wearing clothing for the sole purpose of being able to see where he was.

"Al- Miss Peregrine will have your head if she finds out about this." You corrected yourself, hoping no one would notice. Emma just grinned and shook her head, Enoch rolled his eyes, and Millard took off his shirt. "We need to see you, Millard."

"Well I'll leave my trousers on so you can! But it's nice out and I can't get sunburned!" He said and strutted over to the tree, jumping to grab the lowest hanging branch and pull himself up. Soon he stood atop the branch and hand to once again jump to grab the next one. He successfully grabbed it but let go right after, falling the fifteen or so feet to the ground, give or take. "Ouch! I think I pulled a muscle."

"You can't pull what you don't have." You said, walking over to where the boy lay and holding a hand out for him to take. "May I?"

He seemed to think it over before shrugging. "Sure, I don't see why not."

"Put a shirt on, I'll need to properly see you to make this work." He sighed and walked over to his discarded shirt, haphazardly tossing it on. "Okay you ready?" He nodded once, and suddenly he couldn't anymore. He knew there was no stopping your mind control and allowed his brain to relax as you controlled the rest of him. You couldn't feel the way he felt, so it was easy to make him climb the tree, not having to take any breaks because you didn't at all feel tired.

"What is going on here?" You snapped out of concentration when Alma's voice rang through your ears. She walked up beside you and gave you a weary look, then looked up to Millard's floating clothes in the tree, now clinging to a branch. "Y/n, what have we said about your peculiarity?"

"I got permission this time!" You said defensively.

"Not to use it in any situation where one may get hurt. Get him down and see me in my study." She said with an air of finality before walking off. Somewhat dazed you managed to get a proper hold on Millard, making him climb back down safely. After both his feet were safely on the ground you released your hold on him. He toppled over due to being exhausted from the climb. You left Emma and Enoch to deal with the tired boy and made your way to Alma's study, not wanting to keep her waiting.

She opened the door just before you could knock, getting the time spot on as always. You entered the room and she closed the door behind you. You were expecting to get scolded for aiding Millard in reckless behavior and putting him in danger. Instead a pair of arms wrapped around your waist and Alma pulled you against her body, resting her chin on your shoulder. "Never do that again." She muttered as you leaned back into her.

"Would you rather I make you climb a tree?" You turned turned your head to grin at her, not even noticing how close your faces were.

"No... I have something better in mind.." She smirked at you and leaned her face in to place a short kiss on your lips.

And then there was a knock on the door. Alma sighed and went to answer it. Miss Cuckoo and Miss Wren stood on the other side, both wore a strange expression on their face, one you couldn't quite place. "It's Horace... He's just woken from his nap. His dreams.." Miss C spoke, nervously glancing at the other two ymbrynes and paying you no mind.

The three ymbrynes rushed out of the room to go and see Horace. You didn't bother following them, instead opting to go back to the room you were temporarily staying in with Alma and face planting on the bed like any distinguished human would.


I've had a long day. Now Horace will have one too.

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