Chapter 6-Town

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"Good morning, Alma." You walked into the kitchen, finding that the woman had already started breakfast. "Whatcha making?" You stepped behind her, wrapping one arm around her waist, the other resting on the side of her arm as you looked over her shoulder.

"Good morning. And waffles. Claire requested them." She smiled and strained her neck to look at you. You smiled back and leaned forward to kiss her cheek. She was surprised at the action but didn't object to it and turned back to her work. "Would you care to help or do you just plan to stand there?"

"I don't know, I'm quite comfortable." You wrapped your other arm around her and rested your forehead against the back of her shoulder. She only hummed in response, subconsciously leaning back further into you as she worked. "I was thinking. Could we go to the village later? In current time. There's a small shop on the island that I want to check out. I thought the children could pick out something they each like."

"Well I suppose it wouldn't be too much of a problem. So long as we keep a low profile and don't run into that awful waitress again." Alma responded, finishing up the last batch of waffles. "And only so long as we're not out more than a couple hours. Now, could you set the table for me, darling?"

"Of course." You moved away from her to grab a stack of plates and silverware.


"Okay you can each pick out one thing. Just make sure it's not too expensive." You said to the large group of children that surrounded you in the modern day shop. As soon as you were done speaking each of the children rushed off to go and find something to buy. Except Claire who stayed by your side. "Don't you want to go and look around?"

"I'll look with you. If it's okay?" She said quietly, avoiding eye contact.

"Of course it is." You held a hand out to her. "Come along, you can help me pick out something for Miss Peregrine because she refuses to take my money."

"Okay!" Claire happily took your hand and went skipping down an aisle as you walked next to her.

You hadn't been looking for twenty minutes when you heard glass shatter and aisle over, and someone yelling. You picked up Claire and went to check it out, knowing full well it'd be one of the children. And it was Hugh was standing over a glass figure that had been shattered on the floor. And there was a woman yelling at him, the waitress. Apparently she worked here to. You thought about the best way to handle this and decided to just go with it.

"Excuse me. Please stop yelling at my child. Hugh, come here." You held a hand out for the boy who gladly ran over and took it, trying to hide himself behind you.

The waitress turned to you and scoffed. "And now the lesbian has children? How'd you get them? And what kind of a name is Hugh anyway?"

"They're not necessarily mine. But they're my girlfriend's." You lied.

"Y/n? Oh there you are! We all found something already." Olive said, leading Fiona, Horace, Emma, Bronwyn, and probably Millard over to you. "Is something going on here?" She noticed the clear tension in the air and shot the waitress a glare. "Who is this woman?"

"My name is Karen. Who the hell are you?"

"My other kids." You said simply, not bothering to go into detail.

"What kind of a freak has seven children?"

"We're not freaks. We're just.. peculiar." You said with a strange smile, a lot of the other children smiling as well.

"The twins can't make up their minds. It's been a pain walking around with them." Enoch said, finally joining the group. "Who's this rat lookalike?" He glared at Karen.

She just rolled her eyes in response. "Ten children? Your girlfriend is crazy."

"She is not. And there are eleven of them." Karen scanned the group again then gave you a confused look. "One isn't here right now."

"What's going on here?" Alma had finally found the crowd that'd formed.

"Nothing much. Hugh just broke something, a complete accident. So I will pay for it, he can pick out something else. And this dispute is over." You said with a small glare directed at Karen. You turned back to the children with a smile. "For those of you that already have something picked out, go and wait along the wall near the register. As for the rest of you, you have fifteen more minutes to find something." The literal karen scoffed and walked away, probably to find something to clean up the glass with.

You set Claire down and leaned down to whisper to her. "Why don't you take Miss Peregrine's gift and go with the twins to find something of your own? Hold onto it for me?" She nodded eagerly, taking the gift from your hand and then rushing off with the twins. Everyone else lined up except for Enoch who'd been looking with the twins the entire time and never picked out anything for himself. And Alma who refused to buy anything for herself using your money.

"What on earth was that?" Alma asked, grabbing your arm when you stood up, her nails accidentally digging into your skin for a moment. "She works here too? We're never coming back."

You laughed and grabbed her hand. "No it's alright, been taken care of. Come along." You walked with her down the length of the aisle and glared at Karen as she walked past you with a broom.


I think Karen has a fitting name

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