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"Bloody hell, Harry, stop! I am not going to ask Hermione to dance with me!"

"Why not?!" Harry said, already under the influence of a reasonable amount of fire whiskey. "You are clearly in love with her!"

"And you are clearly out of your mind!"

"Come on, mate!" Harry took a step closer, almost tripping on his friend's foot. "It's always 'Hermione this' or 'Hermione that'! You keep talking about her, you love her!"

"Harry." Ron said, his cheeks slightly red. "If that means I'm in love with Hermione, then I'm fairly certain that you're in love with Malfoy!"

"Did I hear that correctly, Weasley?"

The Hogwarts students had successfully managed to throw a party without the teachers' consent. How? That was quite unclear. There was a rumor going around that some slytherins had bribed the elves, however, it did not matter. Whatever the plan was, it had worked, which meant the Room of Requirement was theirs for the rest of the night.

Of course, that was the moment Draco Malfoy had chosen to join his colleagues.

"I'm flattered, Potter, but you're surely not my type." Draco said, with a smirk.

"Very funny, Malfoy."

"Are you drunk?" The blonde asked.

"Are you?"


"Then neither am I." Harry replied.

"Fair enough." Draco said, a playful smile taking over his lips. "Wonderful idea, this party. I'm going to have a great time making fun of you tonight."

"I'm pretty sure it's going to be the other way around."

"I'm not." Ron intervened. "I'd lay off of the drinks for a bit, Harry, if I were you."

"Shouldn't you be elsewhere, Weasley? Possibly acting like a little dog, following Granger around?"

"Shut up, Malfoy." Ron said, while Draco walked away with a grin.

Hermione was sitting in a corner, looking worried. She wasn't very fond of parties in general, let alone one that broke several school regulations. Somehow, Harry and Ron had convinced her to at least come and check it out. Moreover, as Ron refused to leave his pride aside and ask Hermione to the dance floor, Harry did.

A moment later, they were both dancing their heart outs to whoever was willing to watch. "We only live once, Hermione, come on!" Harry had said. A few minutes had passed by when Malfoy decided to make his second appearance that night.

"Oh, Potter, what a letdown. When Weasley mentioned you and your love for me, I thought "Well, at least he's got a great taste". I guess you had to settle for someone who was a little more on your level, didn't you?

"Jealous, Malfoy?"

"God, you wish."

Harry wasn't going to let Draco ruin a night like this for him. Therefore, he proceeded to do what he did best, and ignore whatever came out of the boy's mouth. It seemed to work well for a bit, until he decided to take a break.

The space had been not only organized with a gigantic food table and decorated with lights and ornaments reminiscing all of the houses, but also divided into four: the main room (which contained the snacks, the dance floor and, therefore, most of the people), the kitchen (enchanted so that the food would be prepared on it's own, courtesy of the Weasley twins), bathrooms and a more reserved area, which included some benches, plants and an inebriated Harry Potter.

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