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Harry followed Draco until the entrance of Dumbledore's office, where he was finally able to reach the boy. He pulled the blonde's cape in a successful gesture which was meant to stop him from going any further.

"Where are you going?" Harry asked.

"Look, Potter." Draco said. "I was thinking and I truly believe that this isn't necessary."

"What? Malfoy, come on. You really don't wanna find out why we-"

"No!" Draco said, a bit louder than he intended. "I mean, isn't it easier this way? To just ignore it and move on? Weird things happen in Hogwarts all the time! Let's just add this one to the list, how about that?"

Draco made mention of leaving but Harry still wasn't convinced: why had the boy changed his mind so suddenly? Unless...

"You remembered something, didn't you?" Harry asked, consequently making Draco's heart beat way faster than it should.

"No, I did not."

"You did! Tell me, Malfoy!"

Harry took a step closer, almost closing the gap between the both of them. Draco looked into his eyes when he suddenly remembered the feeling of a sweet taste he shouldn't even recognize being pressed against his mouth.

"Potter," Draco started. "I hate you."

"I'm... aware of that. What does that have to do with anything right now?"

"I hate you, which means that the.... things I remember simply cannot be true."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm leaving, Potter."

Draco tried to go away again, but Harry wouldn't settle.

"Well, fine. But I'm going inside."


"They are my memories, after all. You don't have to come with me."

"Potter, if you go in there, I swear-"

"What?!" Harry interrupted. "You're going to tell Crabbe? And Goyle? Or your father? Because I don't think you'd want them knowing about this, would you?"


"Goodbye, Malfoy."

Harry entered the room while Draco stood speechless in the hallway.

"Harry, tell me the truth." Dumbledore said, after Harry returned to the room.


"What do you actually want to use my pensieve for?"

"I was telling the truth, Sir." Harry lied. "It's an assignment for... f-for our Defense Against the Dark Arts class."

"I'm sure it is."

Dumbledore was way too nice. Harry felt guilty for lying to the headmaster, but he felt even guiltier when thinking about whatever it was that he had done the night before.

"So, professor?"


"What I was going to ask before, when Malfoy ran away-"

"Yes, why did he do that, by the way?"

"Must've gotten scared, you know Malfoy." Harry said, nervously.


"ANYWAY!" he erupted "I wanted to ask you about whether you'll be able to see the memories as well."

"Well, my ears might not be working that well, according to Miss Granger, but my eyes seem to be alright."


"Is that a problem?"

"Definitely" Harry thought. He didn't know what had happened but it was for certain not Dumbledore-friendly material. The professor must have seen Harry's expression, because he, then, decided to say:

"I believe, however, that I have a meeting with professor Flitwick in..." he pretended to take a look at his clock. "...two minutes! I expect you to behave well here on your own, right, Harry?"

"Yes, professor, definitely!"

"Good." He winked at the boy. "Now, should we begin?"

Harry took turns between focusing on the last memory he had from the previous night (him trying to convince Ron to ask Hermione to dance) and the first one from this morning, in a way that the memory that was taken by Dumbledore's wand happened to be in between those two.

The first thing he saw was himself.

The second was Draco.

Draco had been sitting in a corner of the Slytherin common room since he left Dumbledore's office, wondering whether he had made the right choice. Finally, he decided to distract himself by practicing some spells. However, when he reached for his wand in his pocket, he found something else: a note.

"Don't forget me."

𝐢 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐞.Where stories live. Discover now