"Don't worry about me and my baby," I said, before whispering, "remember who first lost their v-card." "What?!" Y/M asked, "you're joking right?"

I looked at Jules. "My bad, I thought she wouldn't hear," I said. "Apparently she did, mom it was an misunderstanding, it was convincing," Jules said.

I laughed.


We reach the doctor's office. I was nervous. "Y/M/N, what are you doing here today?" Dr. Alexander asked. "Well, Y/N here, is very positive she's pregnant, I want to know if it's actually accurate," she said.

"Then why didn't you take a pregnancy test?" He asked. "Well, I don't really like people knowing my business," I said. He chuckled, "okay this way."

"Okay here, pee in the cup and give it to me," he said. I smiled and took the cup. After a good 35 seconds, I gave him back the cup and I lay on the bed.

I waited for the results. He came in. "What it say?" Y/M asked. "Your daughter is 15 weeks pregnant," he said. Y/M smiled. "3 months? How?" I asked. "Your calculation is right, let's check through the ultrasound," he said.

"Dips it's a boy," said Jules. "He's not checking the gender sweetie," my mother laugh. He place the gel-like substance on my belly and rub the Transducer Probes all over my belly.

"Look, they're developing," he said. "They're?" I asked. "Twins," he said. "They're tiny, that's why your belly is still flat," said Jules. "By the next two weeks it going to grow," Dr said.

"You want the pictures?" he asked. I nod. He printed them and he gave me. After he wipe the gel off my belly, we went back to the car.

"Sadly Dad is going to rain fire on Dd," Jules said. I texted Dd to meet me home.


"Dad, you know I don't like hiding anything from you right?" I asked. He nod, "if you say so." I sighed and gave him the pictures.

He took them and looked at it. He gave a confuse face. "Is this yours?" He asked. "Obviously," I said. "Dd got you pregnant?" he asked. I nod.

He gave me back the pictures. He started laughing. "Stop, please you're scaring me," I said. "I can't kill you, cause you grandfather loves you, and he'll kill me for punishing you," he said.

"You're not mad?" I asked. "Oh I am, I'm not in the mood right now," he said.

I smiled. "It's be fine," he hugged me.

I went to my room and opened the door knowing Dd is here. "So what you want to talk to me about baby?" he asked. "I'll say it as easy as I told my mother and how I found out, but you left your babies in me, and now I'm 4 months pregnant," I said.

His eyes was wide open. "What?" He asked. "Don't you dare think I slept with another guy David," I said. "No," he said. "I'm more shocked as you are," I said.

"And I'm keeping it," I said. "I'm keeping it too," he smiled. I smiled, his smile is contagious.

I gave him the pictures. "Why's there two?" He asked. "Cause it's twins," I said. "Even fucking better," he said. I laughed and hugged him.

"I'll be there for your whole pregnancy," he said, before kissing me. "I can't wait to tell my mom," he said. I laughed. "What about Ddot?" I asked.

"I'm telling him now," he took his phone out, FaceTiming Ddot.

"N**** guess what?" ask Dd. "What?" Ddot asked. "I'm a baby daddy," said Dd. "N**** what? You're joking," said Ddot. Dd smacked his lips, "look twins m." He showed Ddot the pictures.

Ddot shouted on top of his lungs. "Congrats my boy, where's Y/N?" he asked. Dd turned the phone to me. "You're going to be a bad mother," he grinned.

"N****, fuck you," I chuckled.


Dd rubbed my belly and whispered sweet things. He looked at me. "You're so sweet," I smiled. "I can't wait to see her," he said. "We don't know the gender, David," he said. "Yeah, but I'm positive it's a both girls," he said.

"It'll be both boys," I said. "If it's girls, we'll name them Chance and Anya, if it's a boy, we'll name them Chosen and Vance," he said. "Okay," I smiled.

I'm pretty sure it's both girls.

"And one more thing, you're not smoking near my kids," I said. "Ma, I'm not stupid," he said.

I'm sure I can't wait for them to see that they have a loving, caring family. I don't mind Dd being their father at all, I rather no one else.

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