Interview - Ch 11

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"So ma'am, may I know why you decided to work here? As a secretary," the manager questioned me.

"Well I wish to work here because I think that I'll be able to succeed and fulfill my job as a secretary since I'm also good at following orders. However, I also do have a resume so I'm not particularly new in the working industry. I also wish to help you out with anything that you have trouble with. Working here will also be able to improve my knowledge and overtime I'll also improve my characteristic for this working enviroment so I can perform better gradually," I answered thoughtfully.

I hope that's a pass for the first question and qualify for the job.

"So, how did you find us?" the manager asked me again.

"Well, I found this company since it was well known and I heard it through my friends. I also found through countless advertisements," I replied.

"Where do you see yourselves in the next 10 years?" the manager inquired.

"Well, I see myself in the next 10 years to probably still be working for this company if it hasn't yet to be in debt or closed. I also see myself as probably being one of the best employees otherwise since I'll always put in my best effort for the job I work for,"

"What are your experiences in this field?" the manager enquired me again.

I felt so tired already somehow, but I have yet to break down so I'm doing good. Luckily for me I've worked in offices before or in this field atleast. I wanna just finish this already.

"As for me, ever since I've graduated highschool; I went through multiple jobs and interviews across the years. Gradually I learnt overtime and gained experiences from the first, second and third time and so on. The first being a banker at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, that was at the age of 18. At first it was hard to adjust to the working environment but I got used to it overtime. In the end I quit because I didn't find it interesting or as my passion and I don't think I could've continued. Second job was a file clerk at a local company near me. I enjoyed it a little more but there was way too many distribution of paperwork and documents to prepare and handle, I felt too overwhelmed to continue the job so I quit yet again. My third job was a billing clerk. All i did was update accounting records, customer infomation and more. I was doing a good job at it but all I wanted was a payraise as I was the best employee as for only in return I got unfair treatment so I quit. I can't tolerate any unfairness towards anyone in the company itself so that's it. There were more jobs but they were really short and not lasting jobs, around a month or so. Now, currently I'm trying to apply here in this company as a secretary with all hopes you can qualify me as one. I do think I'm qualified for the job since I have had experiences from past jobs, I know how to also perserve and give it my all for the job," I answered truthfully.

As for the truth, I couldn't remember all the jobs I worked at, only the first three. I hope there isn't any difficult questions, should be the same for every company.

"That's brilliant, next question is what are your strengths and weaknesses in general?" the manager interrogated me.

This should be easy. I have trust in me, everything has an end to it.

"My strength is that I'm really good at following people's orders and doing what it takes for my job. I'm also good at helping people out and am not shy to resort to asking people for help either, I'm willing to always learn new things and take in critism. My weakness is that I tend to doze off like daydreaming easily when I have nothing to do, I tend to be clumsy at times," I responded. I don't tend to think I have any weaknesses. Well, it's not one I think of. All I can think of right now is if the interview coming to an end already.

"Well I think that's it ma'am, just one final question before we come to an end. What do you wish to go by in the office if you were to be accepted.

Well, that's easy, "Ms. Ailea or Ms. Jones."

"Alright, thank you. I'll email you before the end of the next day, please enjoy your day ahead," the manager waved me goodbye as I slowly left his office.

I sighed with relief, I got that done and over with. I wonder how's Josiah doing. I have yet to contact him today and my phone has been turned off since the day before. I turned on my phone to see several messages from Josiah.

"Beep, Beep," the phone notifications keep coming as I turned on my phone.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I had my phone turned off and guess what? I just went to my  job interview and I hope I did a pretty good job at it, I'm looking forward to getting the job if I do," I texted Josiah back with joy. I missed him so much even though it's not even a long time since I had last seen him. All I could think about was him all over and over again.

I was already going back home, almost there. My eyes were already dozing off, I felt so tired.

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