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I thought I was going to run forever or until my heart exploded in my chest. I could feel the pain, my body was trying to communicate with me through physical agony, trying to tell me to stop. But my wolf eventually slowed down to a trot, her black ears swivelling around. While she seemed to be focused on finding something I was more focused on making sure my exhausted body wasn't going to collapse.

I still couldn't understand what was going on in her
head. Every time I tried to figure out what she was
thinking or even just how she was feeling she would
shut me out entirely. I would've forced her to shift
back into her human form if I could've, but she was
significantly stronger than I was at all times and she
wanted nothing to do with me. Even when she was
just plodding along casually through the forest I
had no idea what was going on in her mind and she
refused to have it any other way.

But then I was thrown to the ground.

My body was slammed down so hard and so quickly I couldn't comprehend what was happening until I was splayed out on my side. Vulnerable. I was too slow. When I attempted to jerk my body back onto my legs, i felt teeth placed firmly on the skin of my neck and a feral snarl came from the wolf holding me down. A warning. I was not to move a muscle or my neck would be shattered.

My muddled and disoriented mind tried to grasp
what was going on, what had happened and it became clear quickly. Dread immediately pooled in the pit of my stomach as I assessed my surroundings to the best of my abilities. When I let my wolf take over I hadn't even bothered to think about crossing over into another pack's territory. I hadn't thought she be foolish enough to trespass.

Clearly, I was wrong.

Travelling into another pack's territory without
permission could be a huge offence. It's not like
walking into someone's home without knocking. That's merely rude. This is so much more than that. It's a threat, it's a challenge, and it's disrespectful. Wolves get killed over territory often, my pack members have been killed because of it and we have killed outsiders for the same reason. It's disturbingly common.

But I don't want to die and I genuinely meant no harm
so when the wolf standing over me tightens his jaws
around my throat I let out a whimper and slowly lay
my head down. It's a sign of submission and though it repulses me to do so I'd rather lose my dignity than die. And I couldn't win this fight, even if he somehow allowed me to get up there's no telling how many wolves will come running when he howls. My pack is too far away to protect me.

Thankfully, the sharp canines are removed from my fur, but the wolf doesn't leave me. He cannot. I might be submissive, but I'm still trespassing and this is a matter that must be taken up with his alpha. He has no authority in this situation and we both know it so I don't stir him when he growls at me, ordering me to stand up without saying a word. I just move slowly until I'm standing on my now wobbly legs.

The warrior examines me for a moment as he
moves behind me. I know I'm nothing like he's seen
before. Nothing like a female should be. I'm lean,
powerful, even though he can feel my power and my dominance he's baffled by me. I don't even look like a luna should. Luna are designed to bear pups, to carry on the pack, to be soft and comforting. But I'm not hulking and rippling like a male alpha would be either.

He eventually snaps himself out of his confusion and
starts snapping at my hind leg, forcing me to walk
forward. And I go willingly. The less I fight him the
easier this will be for the both of us.

As we move through the forest, presumably closer to the wolf's packgrounds, I see just how out numbered , I am and how much danger I could've been in if I showed resistance. A dozen pairs of glowing wolf eyes narrowed in on me as we walked. These wolves were much like my own. They were big enough that I would've only come up to their shoulder with bulging muscles and highly alert senses. They could've smelt me from a mile away and my unconcerned wolf wasn't even aware of them. I could take one of them if I was lucky, but I had no prayer of winning this battle.

Thankfully, none of the other wolves confronted us
as we moved and we didn't stop until we reached the
outskirts of the packgrounds.

The man ordered, already in his human form and pulling a shirt over his head.
I snarled at him in disgust. He was not going to order
me around. And I was certainly not going to parade
my naked body through another pack. That would've
been disgraceful, I had some dignity. The man rolled his eyes, now fully clothed. "Here." He snapped, shoving an enormous shirt at me. "Now Shift"

I gave him one last snarl, letting him know I didn't like his tone before I forced my body out of my wolf fur and into my human skin. The shirt didn't cover as much as I would've liked, coming down just below my butt, but it did the job. And with at least twelve wary wolves circling me I wasn't going to complain too much.

I followed the man around his pack lands, looking
at the homes of the pack members, the training
facilities, the schools, the small doctor's office. It was much like my home, merely smaller and more isolated from the aid of humans. The man kept watching me warily, like he thought I was mapping out his territory and plotting an attack. I almost scoffed at the idea out loud, but continued to follow him silently.

Nothing seemed out of the ordinary until my wolf
desperately attempted to break free and shift. It was
so severe and so sudden that I dropped to my knees
as the bones cracked and twisted in my body. The
attack from the inside was savage and I clutched
handfuls of dirt in both hands, gasping for air as I
tried to get a hold on myself.

"What are you doing?" the man snapped.

He immediately assumed a fighting stance, thinking
I was going to shift and attack someone. I heard his
pack mates start to move out of the surrounding
forest and other nearby fighters started to edge
closer to the scene. Like any pack, safety of the
women and children was always a first, no questions asked. In a matter of seconds a circle of men was formed around, gradually getting tighter to prevent any violence from burst out.

And I understood that, I didn't want to fight. I wanted
this to be as peaceful as possible. It was merely a
mistake to begin with.

But my wolf was having none of it. While I was on
my knees, panting with the effort of keeping her
contained and staying human she took her last chance. I was too weak and exhausted to fight her now. It didn't matter that I wanted to keep her in. My skin was a black, thick coat of fur, my mouth a muzzle and my limbs converted into sturdy legs. And the second my four paws hit the gravel beneath me, I took off in a sprint.

My wolf was in full control and I was entirely
useless. She nearly dove between the legs of one
of the men circling us and we were gone. All of the
previous exhaustion that I thought was going to kill
me evaporated. I had no idea what the hell my wolf
was doing, or where she was taking me. I was just
grateful that my sleek and powerful body was too
fast for the bulky fighters to catch up to me. even in
their wolf forms they were strong, but not agile.

My wolf flew around the pack lands like she had
been here before. It felt oddly familiar, but the
human in me was mortified. Children were shriek
and racing away from what appeared to be a rogue
wolf and women were calling their husbands into
their homes, trying to protect from what they thought was a savage beast.

But I wasn't concerned with attacking anyone, that
much I knew. My wolf wasn't seeing red , she wasn't
snarling and growling. She would never harm any
creature without reason.

And my intent finally became clear when my wolf
stopped directly in front of an unknown man and let
out a long, excited howl. I had found him.

The First Female - L.K AdaptationWhere stories live. Discover now