The density, it became more lobed and formed, then she actually felt a kick...

"What!? Its alive in me!?"

"What did you expect!? It to just magically materialize somewhere!?"

Heather felt her body naturally go into a gag reflex, it was obvious Charka was pushing it up but this thing in her had shoulders now and she felt it all the way.

She harked and pressed her belly in to help it along, then to her astonishment she felt her neck stretch when it entered her throat.

Heather bent forward and heaved, it now passing her larynx meant she couldn't breathe, but used air in her lungs to aid in this excrete.

Then painfully she felt her jaws almost dislocate as it came out and she gasped spitting.

"Fuck! There has to be a better way to do that!" She said wiping her lips.

Now on the ground before her lied a grey skinned thing, it was humanoid of shape and seemingly still forming.

The skin tightened and it took on small breasts, black hair sprouted on her head and pretty soon it grew to the size of a very small and short young woman.

Heather watched in awe her open her eyes but they were completely black and had bright orange irises, she stood up slowly testing her legs but fell, she had no nipples, no navel, and seemingly nothing between her legs.

"She's, like a doll" Heather said feeling a little tingle of care for her and caught her before she fell again, held her up so she could test this new thing called standing.

Then those orange eyes came up to Heather who still stood twice her length even if she shrunk down a bit, Heather was happy she could at least see past her breasts now.

A smile stretched the girl's face but the teeth inside where sharp, vampire like fangs and the rest were needles, almost like some piranha.
"Boom?" she said almost as a question.

"Boom?" Heather asked.

"Ah shit she's a blower" Charka said.

"What's a blower?"

"It means her main duty is absorbing fire, then letting it pulse from her body similar to an explosion"

"She explodes!?"

"No, more like a shockwave that sets off from her body, the more fire she consumes the bigger the blast"

"What is it with you and blowing shit up Charka!?"

"Hey I'm a demon! I don't build up and burn down, I let it burn down or blow up, get it?"

"Wow how poetic"

"Boom!" The minion said happily and reached up to Heather.

"Aw, you know she's kinda cute" Heather said reaching but her hands lifted away by themselves.

"Don't touch her!"

"What, why not!? Look at her she's adorable!"

"You might be out of your Open fire state now but you still have a lot of heat packed, if you pick her up she will absorb your heat and it will turn her into a ticking time bomb"

"What's a ticking time bomb?"

"It's a bomb that will explode over time, just don't touch her"

Heather stood upright again not liking the idea of a bomb that will go off when she least expects it, but the minion girl lowered her hands and pouted.


"Oh, little one, I.. I'm sorry I..."

Tears actually welled and she made large glossy puppy eyes "Boom..."

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