'This isn't normal,' he said, his voice muffled. 'This can't be normal.'

'Is it the bond?'

'It's definitely the bond.'

'Will it get better?' Kyle said anxiously. 'Once we've—once we've gotten it out of our system?'

'I don't know.'

'Jesus. What if it's always like this? We'll fuck ourselves to death!'

Crazy laughter bubbled through their bond. Lew started to laugh out loud.

'It's not funny!' But she couldn't stop laughing either. 'This is serious!' She burst out into cackles. 'Oh God!' Kylie clapped a hand to her mouth. 'We need to separate. We need to get away from each other.'

'I don't want to.'

'I don't want to either but we have to.' She gripped onto him more tightly. She shifted her hips so she could pull him in just that little bit deeper.

He groaned. 'Don't do that.'

'I'm sorry.'

'We need to eat. I'm hungry.'


Pulling her away from the sink, he lowered her to her feet. Kylie turned away, glimpsing his bloated shaft as he pulled out of her.

Kylie hoped he was looking away too. 'Don't look at me.'

'I'm not.'

'Maybe ... maybe you should go and eat and I'll have a shower. Keep apart.'

'While you shower? Naked?'

There was an echoing roar in Kylie's pelvis. 'Stop thinking about it!'

'I can't help it!'

Eyes closed, Kylie walked towards the door. 'Then I'll go. You have a shower.'

The door slid open, then slid shut behind her. Very quickly, she gathered up her clothes and got dressed. She didn't even look at the menu—she didn't have time—simply picking whatever on the screen.

Moments later, she was sitting down to eat. She ate quickly, shovelling in as much as she could. She followed it with several cylinders of water, not realising how thirsty she was until the liquid touched her tongue.

'Jesus.' She dropped her head into her hands. She looked over towards the tousled bed, then darted her eyes away, all their sexual encounters flooding into her mind. A bad place to look! Kylie covered her face with her hands. 'What am I going to do?'

Inexplicably, tears filled her eyes. That trapped feeling was coming back. She was more than trapped. She felt like a slave. A slave to her own damn body. To her own damn urges. To the bond!

The bathroom door slid open. 'Kylie?'

'What are you doing? Get back!' His voice was enough to trigger her pleasure centres, to divert her attention. 'I need to eat!'

'You're upset.'

'Aren't you?'

'I'm tired.'

Kylie felt something inside her sag. 'I'm sorry.'

'It's not your fault.'

Kylie stood. 'I should go. Just—just for a short time.'

She covered her face as she tried to walk towards the door. Again, he seized her arm. 'Don't go.'

'Lew ...'

'Don't be frightened—not yet. This could only be temporary.'

'And what if it isn't?'

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