~Camping Trip Pt. 2~

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First of all, before I begin I want to thank you again all for your support and patience on these chapters. I've been sick and super busy with school so chapters have been releasing very slow, thank you all.

Another thing, WE GOT #1 IN DEKURAKA!! (YAYY!)
When I first saw this I was overjoyed so thank you thank you! I'm so grateful for all of you putting me in this spot! <3

Even though writing is a hobby of mine I don't get to do often, I am overjoyed I have this app to give away my creativity to you all. I love you all! 🫶

Now without further adue, (I don't want to keep you all waiting) Here's Pt 2. Of the Camping Trip!
Please Enjoy! ^^


With a swift motion, Aizawa slowly moved his hand up to give them the green light. Once everyone noticed two big waves of people went left and right, the girls one way, and the boys another. All you could hear was the sound of stomping and excited little conversations and screams.

"Finally.. some goddamn peace.." Aizawa mumbled, putting his hand down. He look worn out even though he did nothing, just wanting to sleep per usual. That was his plan, until he saw a teal-haired color woman across the way with an orange suitcase.
"Yoo-hoo!" Emi Fukukado, formally known as Mrs. Joke swooned out. Aizawa stood there, feeling his suddenly twitch. "Shit.." He grumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose.

With the 1A Students..

The Cabins the students were staying in were equally different, may that be on the amount of people there or just the gender in general.
For the girls, since they only had 6 of them in the class, they had two triple bunks across from eachother.

The Beds had white fluffy pillows and a light bluish-grey color for the puffy blankets laid across.
The frames were a pretty dark wood with enough space to climb up. it was a small space with two bathrooms attached and into another room, comfy for there stay.
All of the girls were in utter shock on how expensive the place looked for it being a such a small campsite, especially a raised poor brunette; but it is UA so what's there to be surprised about? The school is filthy rich.

"God Damn! This is for us??!" Tooru shouted out to gain the attention of the other 5.
"This is luxury.." Mina sighed out, just taking in the sweet sight of their room for that week.
"Yeah.. It's nice, but are you all just gonna sit there and stare? Look, Uraraka-San's already touching everything" Jirou pointed out, gaining all of the girls attention.

Uraraka was mesmerized by everything, she never got the chance to grow up with expensive things in life, so the little things like this would gain her interest. She moved around placing her hand onto the soft cushion of the bedsheets. "S-Sorry!" She muttered out with embarrassment. "You don't see stuff like this everyday though!" The girl giggled, making the others smile.
They all knew Ochako struggled with money, and they themselves weren't crazy rich so this was beautiful, except for Momo of course.

An Half an hour passed and the ladies began to claim their beds by their overpacked bags laying on top, some of them in the bathroom putting away their lotions and soaps, it was quiet and excitement was filled in the air

But the same couldn't be said for the Boys Cabin..

There were 14 boys, but since there is more of them they split the cabins up into two different bedrooms. 7 in each room with a huge bathroom connected in the middle.

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